What I have experienced around me and have seen happening around me in prison, is that negativity and ingratitude pull people down in an impenetrable maze, where they eventually get lost.
When mentoring my Peers, I always ask them to start journaling and develop an ‘Attitude of Gratitude’. If there is 1 gift I like to hand out to people, it is a journal, whether a flashy one or just a plain one and I always have a personal inscription in there for them.
Despite the fact that prison life is detrimental to our physical and mental well-being, we have to come to terms with it. I always compare it to a diagnosis you get from your doctor, you can either fight the condition or wallow in self-pity and negativity which will make you lose the battle before you have even started it.
As Winston Churchill put so eloquently during his speeches at the height of World War II: “Never, ever, ever give up”
Have a blessed day and keep up the positive vibes,