Journal Entry: Choon Yong-12/04/2023-TV restored

Journal Entry

12/4/2023 Monday daily diary from Atwater Camp.
Woke up at 5:30 AM. made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform and made a cup of coffee. Stretched and drank my coffee. Started walking at 6:05 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:15 AM. Breakfast menu: Oatmeal, muffin, punch and a banana.

Plan for Today:

  1. Stretch.
  2. Call Doris.
  3. Check email from Doris.
  4. Email daily diary for 12/3/2023.
  5. Walk 6 miles.
  6. Split Stretch.
  7. Quotations.
  8. GED Tutoring 12 – 2:30 PM.
  9. Criminal Thinking 7-8 AM.

Completed the first four miles in 56 minutes and 30 seconds. Criminal Thinking 7-8 PM. Completed final two miles in 27 minutes and 2 seconds at 8:40 AM. Finished stretching at the basketball court in partial sunshine at 9:20 AM. Average walking times were – First four miles – 14 minutes and 8 seconds per mile (milla) or 2 minutes 22 seconds per lap (vuelta). Final two miles – 13 minutes and 16 seconds per mile or 2 minutes 13 seconds per lap. The walk started out dark but cool, overcast sky. The rabbits were out in droves grazing on the field. The dawn sky was mostly grey cloud and more grey clouds. The track was dry and fast. Walk was interrupted by the Criminal Thinking class from 7-8 PM. The final two miles was completed after the class. Stretched at the basketball court in partial sunshine. The stretched were okay as my legs were sore and aching. I had to roll my legs and ankle with a foam core roller to relieve my aches and pain. Finished stretching at 9:20 AM and had a nutty bar and some pop corn for snacks. Showered at 9:50 AM. Counselor Reyes informed me that a new inmate will be joining us at the camp today. Lunch was served at 10:15 AM. Luncheon menu: Chicken burrito, beans, Cole slaw, punch and a banana. Talked to Doris at 10:30 AM: Doris and Patches are well. They will go shopping at Costco, Ranch 99 and Roadrunner Sports. Geok sent her regards and congratulated me for the good work at the camp. I told them that I am waiting for the mail before I talk to Camp Manager about the Second Chance Act. Went to sewing room to do some sewing and repairs. GED tutoring 12:00 – 2:30 PM. Worked with inmates to go over exercise to prepare them for the examination on Friday 12/8/2023. Census count at 3:30 PM. Dinner was served after the count. Dinner menu: Turkey with gravy, pasta, green beans, bread and punch. Processed two new inmates at 5:15 AM. Census count at 7:00 PM. Census count at 8:00 PM. Cleaned up at 9:00 PM. Final Census count at 9:30 PM. Went to bed at 10:00 PM.
Today was a good Day: Doris and Patches are well. Walked 6 miles and split stretched. Submitted EBRR class report Criminal Thinking, GED tutoring.

Nelson Mandela: True reconciliation does not consist in merely forgetting the past.

Books Read: 24 Books, Book Reports: 24 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
ACE Classes: 37 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 28 Reports, Target: 100 Classes.
EBRR Classes: 13 Classes, EBRR Class Reports: 11 Reports.
Miles Walked Today:
6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 974 Miles, Target: 9000 Miles.

Horace Mann: The object of punishment is prevention from evil, it never can be made impulsive to good.