12/2/2023 Saturday daily diary from Atwater Camp.
Woke up at 5:40 AM. Made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform and made a cup of coffee. Stretched, drank my coffee and not able to watched the local news and weather report, because of contraband found in the dormitory and the compound. Started walking at 6:20 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:10 AM. Breakfast menu: Oatmeal, bread, jelly and punch.
Plan for Today:
- Stretch.
- Call Doris.
- Check email from Doris.
- Email daily diary for 12/1/2023.
- Walk 6 miles.
- Split Stretch.
- Yoga.
- Quotations.
- ACE Classes Stress on your body 5-6:00 PM (Teaching / Hosting).
Finished walking 6 miles at 8:10 AM in 1 hour 19 minutes and 33 seconds. Average walking times were: 13 minutes and 8 seconds per mile (milla) or 2 minutes and 12 seconds per lap (vuelta). The morning walk started out dark but cool. As the sun started to rise, the beautiful dawn sky was in full display. The sun rise with the big orange sphere mead it look dramatic. The weather was warm, but I am not aware of the temperature. AS we had a TV blackout for the weekend because they found some contraband on the compound and in the dormitory. The walking pace was adequate and good. Stretched and split stretched at the basketball court in partial sunlight. The split stretch felt good as my range of motion and flexibility have improved. I had to roll my legs with the foam core roller to relieve some aches and pain on my leg. Started the Yoga practice at 8:40 AM. Went through most of my poses but could not completed my routine as lunch was served at 9:45 AM. Luncheon menu: nachos, beans, corn, punch and banana. Census count at 10:20 AM. Talked to Doris at 10:40 AM: Doris and Patches are well. They did not do the show because it was raining heavily in the Bay Area. Doris clarified the Cares Act was cancelled and second Chance Act for One Year home confinement for elder inmates was still in effect and it would cast $3000 for a lawyer to request it. She had sent the information in the mail. The two points sentence reduction is taking applications but will not be granted until February 1 2024. They asked about Harris Ranch Steak House near Visalia. I told them it would take about 2-3 hour to drive from Pinole. I suggested Buttercup in Oakland for steak, Wonder Food bakery for pastry and Yuen Kee for Roast duck on 8th and Webster. They will be here to visit me around 11-11:30 AM tomorrow.. I told them that I will catch up on my Spanish lessons and class reports today. They told me that Geok send her regards and also a Christmas card.
Showered at 11:00 AM. Did my laundry at 11:40 AM. Finished my laundry at 1:30 PM. Went to library to work on my Spanish lessons. Back to the unit at 3:30 PM. Census count at 3:45 PM. Dinner was served after the count. Dinner menu: shredded chicken, hot dog buns, carrots, pasta and punch. ACE Classes Stress and Your Body 5-6 PM (Teaching /Hosting), Entrepreneurship 6-6:30 PM, Financial Planning 6:30 – 7:00 PM. Census count at 7:00 PM. Census count at 8:00 PM. Cleaned up at 9:00 PM. Final Census count at 9:30 PM. Went to bed at 10:00 PM.
Today was a good day: Doris and Patches are well. Second chance Act – 1 Year home confinement for Elderly inmates – $3K for lawyer to file on my behalf. Walked 6 Miles, split stretched and practiced Yoga. Hosted ACE Class – Stress and Your Body. Doris and Patches visitation tomorrow.
H. L. Mencken: Puritanism, the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
Books Read: 24 Books, Books Reports: 24 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
ACE Classes: 37 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 28 Reports, Target: 100 Classes.
EBRR Classes: 13 Classes, EBRR Class Reports: 10 Reports.
Miles Walked Today: 6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 962 Miles, Target: 9000 Miles.
George Meredith: Cynicism is intellectual dandyism without the coxcomb’s feather.