6/17/2024 Monday daily diary from Atwater Camp.
Woke up at 5:10 AM. Made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform and made a cup of coffee. Stretched, drank my coffee and watched the local news and weather report, high temperature for today is 84 degrees F. Started walking at 5:45 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:20 AM. Breakfast menu: Oatmeal, cake, an apple, milk, sugar and water (Harina de avena, torta, un manzana, leche, ezucar y agua).
Plan for today: (Plano para hoy)
- Stretch.
- Call Doris.
- Check email from Doris.
- Email daily dairy for 6/16/2024.
- Walk 6 Miles.
- Split Stretch.
- Yoga.
- Quotations.
- ACE Class – Personal Financial Planning 5-5:30 PM.
- GED/ ESL Tutoring 12:00 – 2:30 PM.
The morning started with the dawn sly on display, beautiful analogous colors were radiating out from the suns path: red, orange, yellow, light blue and blue sky. The rabbits were grazing at the baseball field, soccer field, near the basketball court and Labrona and family were grazing outside the fence. As the sun rise over the Sierras, the sun brightened the sky and warmed the air. The sky was bright, some cirrus clouds, windy and cool. Th wind seem to blow the smog away, as the lower atmosphere was not hazy. The squirrels appeared after breakfast and were running all over the camp begging for food from the inmates. As the morning progressed, the squirrels went back to their hideouts, the rabbits remained at the baseball field to graze. Completed 6 miles walk at 7:20 AM, in 1 hour 13 minutes and 28 seconds. Average walking times were: 12 minutes 15 seconds per mile or 2 minutes and 3 seconds per lap. the pace was okay. Stretched, split stretched and practiced my Yoga until 8:20 AM. The Yoga practice felt good as I opened my eyes from my corpse pose to a beautiful blue sky with some wind swept cirrus clouds. I had to go to the green house to get Balco as Mr Johnson had some seeds for him. Case manager Mr. Larsen informed me that we will have two new inmates coming off the bus today and he assigned them to bunk #7 U and #36 U. Cleaned the computer room. Checked email from Doris: Doris is well an rested. She walked 8109 steps, 16.3 inches step length and symmetry was 74%. yesterday was the 147th consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone. She emailed a website – CBEST for teaching certification and credentials. The contractor will be working on the gutter, roof, caulking the windows and cleaning the patio roof today. They will start at 7:00 AM. Showered and changed to BOP uniform at 9:20 AM. Talked to Doris at 9:50 AM: Doris is well and rested. The contract was out there fixing the roof, seal the windows, clean the gutters, and clean the patio roof.. She told me about CBEST certification website for teaching credentials. I told her I will have to do it when I get out of Atwater as we do not have internet access. I told her Karlee might this weekend. I told her our conversation was cut short last night because of Census count. Th second sewing machine was fixed and we will start to hem some pants today. She will be pricing her merchandise for the show. Lunch was served at 10:20 AM. Luncheon menu: pizza, green beans, pasta, an apple and water. Went to sewing room and hemmed a couple dozens of pants. GED/ ESL Tutoring 12:00 – 2:30 PM. Submitted my EBRR Class Report #14 – Parenting to Prison Professor and Doris. Census count at 3:30 PM. Dinner was served after the count. Dinner menu: chicken fried rice, black beans, mixed vegetables, bread and water. Went to sewing room to hem pants and customized shirt for Michael Bowen. The two inmates showed up at the camp at 5:00 PM. We processed them. ACE Class Advanced Financial Planning 5-6 PM. Talked to Doris at 6:00 PM: Doris is well and the contractor completed: repaired roof leak, sealed windows, cleaned the gutters and cleaned the patio roof. He will be back tomorrow to clean the backyard. Census count at 7:30 PM. Census count at 8:30 PM. Cleaned up at 9:00 PM. Final Census count at 9:30 PM. Went to bed at 10:00 PM.
Today was a good day: Doris is well and rested. She walked 8109 steps, 16.3 Inches step length and symmetry was 74%. yesterday was the 147th consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone. Doris did a great job contracting to repair the roof, sealed windows, clean gutters and patio roof. Walked 6 miles, split stretched and practiced Yoga. Attended ACE Class. Submitted EBRR Class Report on Parenting. Completed hemming 6 dozen pants. Good GED/ ESL Tutoring sessions.
Herbert Spencer: Progress, therefore, is not an accident, but a necessity…. it is part of nature.
Books Read: 33 Books, Book Reports: 33 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
EBRR Classes: 15 Classes, EBRR class Reports: 15 Reports.
ACE Classes: 69 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 62 Reports, Target: 100 Classes.
Miles Walked Today: 6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 2138 Miles, Target: 9000 Miles.
Edmund Spenser: Songs made in lieu of many ornaments, with which my love should duly have been decked.