Journal Entry: Choon Yong-06/03/2024-Water Heater fixed

Journal Entry

6/3/2024 Monday daily diary from Atwater Camp.
Woke up at 5:30 AM. Made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform and made a cup of coffee. Stretched, drank my coffee and watched the local news and weather report, high temperature for today is 84 degrees F. Started walking 5:50 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:15 AM. Breakfast menu: Oatmeal, cake, apple, milk, sugar and water (Harina de avena, torta, manzana, leche,azucar y agua).

Plan for today (Plano para hoy):

  1. Stretch.
  2. Call Doris.
  3. Check email from Doris.
  4. Email daily diary for 6/2/2024.
  5. Walk 6 Miles.
  6. Split Stretch.
  7. Quotations.
  8. EBRR classes Money Smart for older Adults 8-9 AM and Parenting 11-12 PM.
  9. GED/ ESL Tutoring 12 – 2:30 PM.

The morning started with the beautiful dawn sky on full display. Th sky was cloudy especially towards the Sierras, windy an cool. As the sun rise over the Sierras, the analogous colors radiated out form the suns path: red, orange, yellow, light green, light blue an blue sky. The rabbits were grazing in the baseball field but labrona and he juvenile rabbits were grazing outside the fence. As the sun rise higher, it was shielded by the low stratus clouds. the sprinkler system was turned on in the soccer field. The squirrels appeared after breakfast, running all over the camp begging for food from the inmates. As the morning progresses, more clouds rolled in. Completed walking six miles at 7:30 AM, in 1 hour 12 minutes and twenty five seconds. The average walking times were: 12 minutes and four seconds per mile or 2 minutes and 1 seconds per lap. The pace was fast. Stretched and split stretched until 8:00 AM. Attended money smart for Older Adults from 8-9 AM. Went to sewing room: brought some cleaned uniforms and blankets, fabricate belt for Jorge and sized uniforms. Counselor Reyes informed me, we will have two new inmates joining us today and he assigned them to bunk # 16U and #26 U. Showered and changed to BOP uniform at 9:40 AM. Talked to Doris at 10:10 AM: Doris is well and rested. She was with the contractor to fix the water heater. Eric transferred some funds to my account. Lunch was served at 10:20 AM. Luncheon menu: Chicken tacos, rice, corn, apple and water. Went to sewing room to Show Happy how to Hem pants. Checked email from Doris: Doris is well and rested. She walked 8141 steps, 16.8 Inches step length and 74% symmetry. Yesterday was the 133rd consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone. Eric transferred some funds to my account. The contractor will fix the water heater in the morning. Diana will come by to help move some merchandise and Kein might be by today or tomorrow to move the heavy stuff. GED/ ESL Tutoring 12:00 – 2:30 PM.
( El manana empezar el lindo alba es en exponer, el cielo fue nublado sepecialmente hacia el Sierras, vientoso y fresco. Tan el soleda del sol encima el Sierras, el analogo colorear irradiar por sondero del sol: rojo, naranja, amarillo, liguero verde, liguero azul y azul cielo. El Conejos pastoreo en biesbol campo pero Labrona y juvenil conejos pastoreo afruera valla. Tan soleda del sol le fue escudo por nubles. El espersor abrieto en futbol campo. El ardilla aparecer despues de desayuno corren todo campamento mendigar comida / alimentos de recluso. Tan manana progresso mas nubles moverse. Completo camina seis milla a las siete y media, en uno hora doce minutos y veintecinco segundos. Promedio caminar tiempo es: doce minutos y cuatro segundos por milla o dos minutos y uno segundo pro vuelta. El paso es rapido. Partir estiro hasta las ocho. Atende Money Smart para Viejo Adulto a las ocho hasta las nueve. Ir a cuarto costura: triago limpio uniforme y cornija, fabricar cinturon por Jorge y tallo unforme. Consejor senor Reyes me dija, dos nuevo recluso venen a campamento hoy y assignar ellos a litera #16 arriba y #26 debajo. Ducharse, ponerse a BOP uniforme a las nueve curenta. Hablo con Doris a las Diez y diez: Doris es bien y descano. Ella es con contratisa para agua calentador a arreglar dejar escapar. Eric transferir fondo a me acuenta. Almuerzo servir a las Diez y veinte. Almuerzo menu: Pollo tacos, arroz, grano, manzana y agua. Ir a cuarto costura a ensenar senor Happy a dobladillo pantalone. Verifico correo electronico de Doris: Doris es bien y descano. Ella camina ocho mil cientos curenta y uno pasos, dieciseis punto ocho pulgadas paso largo, simeteria fue satenta y cuatro por ciento. Ayer fue cientos trienta y tres consecutivo dias ella cerrar corteza en ella iPhone. Eric transferir fondo a me acuenta. Diana y Kein venen a casa a moverse mercancia hoy. Contra Tisa arreglar agua calentor a las siete de la manana. Ensenar GED/ ESL a las doce hasta Dos y media).
Went to sewing room: hemmed 4 dozens pants, alter pants for Jorge, exchanged XL shirt and belt for Abbas. Census count at 3:30 PM. Dinner was served after the count. Dinner menu: pull pork sandwich, beans, rice, bread and water. Only one new inmate showed up in the camp, the other inmate had problem with his paperwork and was held up in the SHU. ACE Class Advanced Financial planning 5-6 PM.Census count at 7:00 PM. Census count at 8:00 PM. Cleaned up at 9:00 PM. Final Census count at 9:30 PM. Went to bed at 10:00 PM.

Today was a good day: Doris is well and rested. She walked 8141 steps, 16.8 inches step length an symmetry was 74%. Yesterday was the 133rd consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone. She took care of the hot water heater problem. Walked 6 miles and split stretched. Attended ACE and EBRR Classes. Good GED/ ESL Tutoring sessions.

Philip Sidney: poetry therefore, is an art of imitation that is to say, a representation, counterfeiting, of figuring forth to speak metaphorically. A speaking picture with this end; to teach and delight.

Books Read: 32 Books, Book Reports: 32 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
EBRR Classes: 15 Classes, EBRR Class Reports: 13 Reports.
ACE Classes: 68 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 62 Reports, Target: 100 Classes.
Miles Walked Today: 6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 2052 Miles, Target: 9000 Miles.

George Simenon: writing is not a profession but a vocation of unhappiness.