Journal Entry: Choon Yong-05/09/2024

Journal Entry

5/9/2024 Thursday daily diary from Atwater Camp.
Woke up at 5:30 AM. Made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform and made a cup of coffee. Stretched, drank my coffee and watched the local news and weather report, high temperature for today is 85 degrees F. Started walking at 6:00 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:20 AM. Breakfast menu: cereal,cake, an apple and water.

Plan for today:

  1. Stretch.
  2. Call Doris.
  3. Check email from Doris.
  4. Email daily diary for 5/8/2024.
  5. Walk 6 Miles.
  6. Split stretch.
  7. Quotations.
  8. ACE Classes – Dark Matter, Dark Energy 5-6 PM (Hosting), Culinary Class 6-6:30 PM and Taxes and Business 6:30 – 7:00 PM.
  9. GED/ ESL Tutoring 12:00 – 2:30 PM.

The morning started out clear, hazy and cool (el manana es claro, nebuloso y frio). The beautiful dawn sky was on full display even though it was hazy (el lindo alba cielo es en exponer aunoue es fue nebuloso). Its beautiful analogous colors: red, orange, yellow, light blue and blue were not as bright because of the haze (es lindo analogo colors: rojo, naranja, Amarillo, ligero Azul y Azul fue no mas brillante porque neblina). The rabbits were grazing in the fields but Labrona was grazing outside the fence (conejos pastoreo in campos pero Labrona pastoreo afruera cerca). As the sun rise over the Sierras, it lit up the sky and warmed the air( soledad del sol sobre el Sierras as brilliante el cielo y calentar aire). The rabbits left the soccer field but Labrona was still grazing outside the fence (conejos salir futbol campo pastoreo in Beisbol campo pero Labrona Pastoreo fuera cerca). Completed walking five miles and jogged one mile at 7:40 AM, in one hour 10 minutes and 54 seconds (completo camino cinco milla corro una milla a son las siete curenta, en uno hora, diez minutos cincuenta y quatro segundos). Average walking times were (promedio caminar tiempo es): 11 minutes 49 seconds per mile or 1 minute and 58 seconds per lap (once minutos curenta y nueve segundos por milla o uno minuto cincuenta y ocho segundos per vuelta). The pace was fast as I was sweating (el paso muy rapido, yo sudo). Stretched an split stretched at the basketball court (Partir estirir a basquetbol corte) until 8:10 AM. Brought some clean uniforms and blankets to sewing room and fabricate belt with clasp (triago limpio uniforme, corbija a cuarto cortesa, fabrica cinturon con broche). Cleaned the computer room and changed light bulbs in the room (limpiar cuartido computador, cambiar lampara en cuarto). Showered and changed to BOP uniform at 9:40 AM (ducharse, ponerse a BOP uniforme a son las nueve curenta). Checked email form Doris (verificar correo electronico por Doris): Doris is well and rested (Doris is muy bien y descano). She walked 8634 steps, 16.1 inches step length, 74% symmetry. Yesterday was the 108th consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone (ella caminar 8634 ocho mil seis ciento trienta y quarto pasos, 16.1 dieciseis punta uno pulgadas paso largo, 74 setenda y quatro por ciento simeteria. Ayer fue 108 cientos ocho dias cerra corteza en ella iPhone). She is digitizing some flower designs for the T-shirt (ella digitizar flores disenar pro camiseta). Lunch was served at 10:25 AM (Almuerzo servir a son las diez venticinco). Luncheon menu (almuerzo menu): roasted chicken, macaroni and cheese, mixed vegetables, muffin and water (pollo asar, macarrones con queso, mezclarse vegetales, mollette y agua). Talked to Doris at 10:40 AM (Hablar con Doris a son las Diez curenta). Doris was busy digitizing the flower design for her t-shirt. She was outside to enjoy: the good weather, walking and her tomato plants (Doris es ocupado digitalizar flores disenar por camisetas. Ella es efruera a gozar: tiempo buen, camina y tomate plantars). She will visit me on 5/11/2024 (ella visitame en 5/11/2024). GED/ ESL tutoring at 12:00 – 2:30 PM (ensenar GED/ ESL a doce hasta dos media). Repair and exchanged pants for Cesar (reprar ropa uniforme y cambiar talla trienta y ocho pantolones por Cesar. census count at 3:30 PM. Dinner menu was served after the count. Dinner menu: shredded chicken, rice , green beans and water. ACE Classes – Dark Matters, Dark Energy 5-6 PM (Hosting), Culinary class 6-6:30 PM and Taxes and Business 6:30 – 7:00 PM. Census count at 8:00 PM. Census count at 8:30 PM. Cleaned up at 9:00 PM (lavarse a son las nueve). Final Census count at 9:30 PM (final contar Censo a son las nueve media). Went to bed at 10:00 PM (Acostarse a son las diez noche).

Today was a good Day: Doris is well and rested. She walked 8634 Steps, 16.1 inches step length, 74% symmetry. Yesterday was the 108th consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone. Walked 6 miles and split stretched. Attended and hosted ACE Classes. Good GED tutoring sessions.

John Selden: Preachers say, do as I say, not as I do.

Books Read: 32 Books, Book Reports: 32 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
EBRR Classes: 15 Classes, EBRR Class Reports: 13 Reports.
ACE Classes: 64 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 58 Reports, Target: 100 Classes.
Miles Walked Today: 6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 1902 Miles, Target: 9000 Miles.

W. C. Sellar: History is not what you thought. It is what you can remember.