Journal Entry: Choon Yong-05/05/2024-Spanish Lessons Bonanza

Journal Entry

5/5/2024 Sunday Daily dairy from Atwater Camp.
Woke up at 5:30 AM. Made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform and made a cup of coffee. Stretched, drank my coffee and watched the local news and weather report, high temperature for today is 72 degrees F. Started walking at 6:20 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:40 AM. Breakfast menu: Grits, cake, orange and water (Semola de maiz, torta,naranja y agua)

Plan for today:

  1. Stretch.
  2. Call Doris.
  3. Check email from Doris.
  4. Email daily diary for 5/4/2024.
  5. Walk 6 miles.
  6. Split Stretch.
  7. Quotations.
  8. ACE Classes: Advanced Spanish 8:30 – 9:30 AM, Geography Italian Cities 5-5:30 PM and Oceanography Part 2, 6-7 PM.

The morning started out bright, cloudy and cool, there was clearing over the Sierras and in the southern sky (manana es brillante muy nublador y frio, no nubles sobre Sierras y sur cielo). The beautiful dawn sky was on full display with its analogous colors: red, orange, yellow, light blue and blue sky (el alba cielo es en exponer con anaolog colors: rojo, naranja, amarillo, azul cielo). The rabbits were grazing on the fields, but Labrona was grazing outside the fence (conejos pastoreo en el campo pero Labrona pastoreo afuera el cerca). As the sub rise over the Sierras the golden sphere lit up the atmosphere and warmed ditech air (soleda del sol sobre el Sierras, el brillante esfera el atmosfera y calentar aire). Completed walking 6 miles at 7:40 AM (completo caminar seis milla son las siete curenta), in 1 hour 12 minutes and 42 seconds (en uno hora dose minutos curenta y dos segundos). Average walking times were (promedio caminar tiempo es): 12 minutes and 7 seconds per mile or 2 minutes and one second per lap (Dose minutos siete segundos por milla o dos minutos una segundo por vuelta). The pace was fast as I was sweating (el paso is rapido, yo sudarse pequeno). Stretched (estirir) and split stretched in the morning sunshine (Luz del sol) until 8:10 AM (hasta son las ocho diez). Attended Spanish class at 8:30 AM (asistir Espanol clases son las ocho media). Lunch was served at 9:30 AM (Almuerzo servir a son las nueve media). Luncheon menu (Almuerzo menu): scrambled eggs, pancake with syrup, fries, orange and water (Huevos revueltos, panqueque con jarabe, papas fritas, naranja y agua). Talked to Doris at 9:50 AM (Hablar con Doris son las nueve cincuenta: Doris is well and rested (Doris es muy bien y descano). Her knee is aching because she walked too much (ella rodilla dolor porque ella caminar mucho). Diana is not coming over today (Diana no venir a casa hoy). It is windy in the Bay Area (es muy viente en Bahia area), she will walk inside and work on her inventory (ella caminar interior y fabricar madre dias inventoria). I will be busy with Spanish lessons, ACE classes and write my class report ( yo muy ocupado estudiar Espanol, ACE clases y escribo clases informe). She read my class report on US History Native American and she liked, survival of the fittest (ella leer me clase informe unidos estesto historia Indio Americano, ella gustarle informe. Fuerte maton debil). She talked to Patches and told her not to come pick me up when I go to the half way house (ella hablar con Patches, no necessito venir a recoger yo va a mi casa). Checked email form Doris (verificar correo electronico para Doris): Diana won’t come by today (Diana no venir a casa hoy). She liked my class report (ella gustaria mi clase informe). She will visit me on 5/11/24 (ella visitarme en 5/11/24). She asked if we have any celebration on Cinco De Mayo, I told her no (ella perguntar nosotros celebrar Cinco de Mayo, Yo digo no celebrar Cinco de Mayo). Showered and changed to regular clothes at 11:00 AM (Ducharse, ponerse a ropa informal son las once). Took a nap (escharse una siesta). Went to the library to work on my ACE Class report Italian Cities. Completed my Class report (Terminar mi clases informe). Census count at 3:30 PM (Contar Censo son als tres media). Dinner was served after the count (Cena servir despuse de contar Censo). Dinner menu (cena menu): Turkey sandwich, mashed potatoes, carrots and water (pavo bocadillo, pure de papas, zanahoria y agua). ACE Classes Geography Italian Cities 5-5:30 PM and Oceanography Part 2, 6-7 PM (Hosting). Census count at 7:00 PM. Census count at 8:00 PM. Cleaned up at 9:00 PM (lavarse son las Nueve). Final Census count at 9:30 PM (Final Contar Censo son las nueve media). Went to bed at 10:00 PM (Acostarse son las diez).

Today was a good day: Doris is well and rested. She walked 9188 steps, 16.4 inches step length and symmetry was 74%. Yesterday was the 104th consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone. Walked 6 miles and split stretched. Attended and hosted ACE Classes. Completed ACE Class Report Italian Cities.

Sir Walter Scott: O What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Books Read: 32 Books, Book Reports: 32 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
EBRR Classes: 15 Classes, EBRR Class Reports: 13 Reports.
ACE Classes: 64 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 58 Reports, Target: 100 Classes.
Miles Walked Today: 6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 1878 Miles, Target: 9000 Miles.

Alan Seeger: I have a rendezvous with death at some disputed barricade.