2/3/2025 Monday daily dairy from Atwater Camp.
Woke up at 5:00 AM. Made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform and made a cup of coffee. Stretched, drank my coffee and watched the local news and weather report, high temperature for today is 64 degree F. Started walking at 6:00 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:50 AM. Breakfast menu: oatmeal, cake, milk, sugar, apple and water (Harina de avena, torta, leche, azucar, un manzana y agua).
Plan for today (Plano para hoy):
- Stretch.
- Call Doris.
- Check email from Doris.
- Email daily diary for 2/2/2025.
- Walk 6 Miles.
- Split Stretch.
- Yoga.
- Quotations.
- GED Tutoring 12:00 – 3:00 PM.
- ACE Classes Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War 5:30-6:00 PM and Culinary Art Part 2, Professional Chef 6:00-6:30 PM.
The morning started out dark, cloudy, breezy, hazy and cool – 52 degrees F. The lower atmosphere was hazy, overcast sky with clearing in the Southeast and Southern horizons, the cloud cover made the temperature warmer. The autonomous car company had their facility and flood lights turned on and they were maintaining their equipment. The rabbits were grazing on the soccer and baseball fields, while Labrona and family were grazing by the fence near the soccer field. The beautiful dawn sky was on display: red haze over the Sierras, analogous colors peeking over the Sierras: Fiery red, orange, yellow, light green and dark gray clouds. No wildlife appeared after breakfast, so the inmates left their food on the ground and on the basketball court. As the morning progressed, the sky was a display of colorful clouds. As the sun rise over the Sierras, the big reddish orange sphere illuminated the Sierras and the clouds with a display of colors. As it ascended it changed colors from Red, orange to brilliant yellow and it disappeared into the clouds. The birds appeared at 7:10 AM and feasted on food left by the inmates and foraged on the fields. I walked the trails on the soccer and baseball fields. Completed walking 4 miles and jogged the final two miles at 7:40 AM, in 1 hour 13 minutes and 6 seconds. Average walking times were: 12 minutes and 11 seconds per mile or 2 minutes and 2 seconds per lap. The sun moved in and out of the clouds. Stretched, split stretched and practiced Yoga at the basketball court until 9:00 AM. The stretch and Yoga practice felt good after the morning walk. I was able to exercise all phases: strength, flexibility, balance and breathing. Finished my Yoga practice with the corpse pose and visualized the beautiful dawn sky and the colorful sun rise. Opened my eyes to the cloudy sky. Called Doris at 9:05 AM: Doris is well and rested. It was raining in Pinole when she let the dogs out. She received my updated Release Plan, Tabulation of book and class reports. Unfortunately, the Tabulations were blank. She requested that I send a hard copy to her. GSW is playing the Orlando Magic tonight. I will be busy tutoring, ACE Classes and mailing out the Tabulations to her. Cleaned the computer room. Counselor Reyes told me, we won’t have any new inmates today. Showered and changed to BOP uniform at 9:30 AM. Started my Laundry. Checked email from Doris at 10:00 AM: Doris is well and rested. She walked 9567 steps, 15.5 inches step length and symmetry was 7.6%. Yesterday was the 365th consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone. That was a major milestone for her. Lunch was served at 10:20 AM. Luncheon menu: Chicken tacos, beans, rice, mixed vegetables, apple and water. Went to sewing room: exchanged 38X30 pants for David and exchanged two towels for Chris. Printed out the tabulations and dropped it in the mail box to Doris. Had s short nap. Finished my laundry. GED Tutoring 12:00 – 3:00 PM. Went to sewing room : exchanged 38X30 pants for Miguel Segura and repaired pants for #39U. Census count at 3:30 PM. Dinner was served after the count. Dinner menu: pizza, spaghetti with Marinara sauce, salad with dressing and water. ACE Class Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War 5:30-6:00 PM and Culinary Arts 2, Professional Chef 6:00-6:30 PM. Census count at 7:00 PM. Census count at 8:00 PM. Cleaned up at 9:00 PM. Final Census count at 9:30 PM. Went to bed at 10:00 PM.
Today was a good day: Doris is well and rested. She walked 9567 steps, 15.5 inches step length and symmetry was 7.6%. Yesterday was the 365th consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone. Walked 6 miles, stretched, split stretched and practiced Yoga. Sent Tabulation of Book report, EBRR and ACE Class Reports to Doris.
Whitney Ballieti: A critic is a bundle of biases held loosely together by a sense of taste.
Books Read: 50 Books, Book Reports: 50 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
EBRR Classes: 19 Classes, EBRR Class Reports: 17 Reports.
ACE Classes: 91 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 82 Reports, Target: 100 Classes.
Miles Walked Today: 6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 3468 Miles, Target: 4000 Miles.
Honore De Balzac: Prosperity brings with it an intoxication which inferior men are unable to resist.