1/30/2025 Thursday daily diary from Atwater Camp.
Woke up at 5:00 AM. Made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform and made a cup of coffee. Stretched, drank my coffee and watched the local news and weather report, high temperature for today is 56 degrees F. Started walking at 6:00 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:15 AM. Breakfast menu: cereal, cake, milk, sugar, apple and water (cereal, torta, leche, azucar, un manzana y agua).
Plan for today ( Plano para hoy):
- Stretch.
- Call Doris.
- Check email from Doris.
- Email daily diary for 1/29/2025.
- Walk 6 miles.
- Split Stretch.
- Yoga.
- Quotations.
- GED Tutoring 12:00- 3:00 PM.
- ACE Class Mastering Stage Presence 6:00-6:30 PM.
The morning started out dark, very foggy and cold -36 degrees F. The lower atmosphere was heavily fogged with visibility of about 1/4 mile and it was cold. I could barely see a slight glow of the floodlights for the autonomous car company, they were not testing their vehicles. The rabbits were grazing on the soccer and baseball fields, while Labrona and family were grazing by the fence near the basketball court. Breakfast was served early and no wildlife appeared, so the inmates left their food on the ground and on the basketball court. As the morning progressed, the fog became thicker reducing the visibility to about 200 feet. Inmates were bundled up as they headed to work in Unicor, general maintenance and warehouse. As the sky brightened, the visibility increased to a 1/4 mile. The birds appeared around 7:10 AM and they feasted on the food left on the ground by the inmates and foraged on the fields. There must about 2-300 birds in the flock. I walked the trails on the soccer and baseball fields. Completed walking 6 miles at 7:40 AM, in 1 hour 14 minutes and 48 seconds. Average walking times were: 12 minutes and 28 seconds per mile or 2 minutes and 5 seconds per lap. It was still foggy but I could see the sun trying to break through the fog. Stretched, split stretched an practiced Yoga at the basketball court until 9:00 AM. The stretch and Yoga practice felt good after the cold foggy morning walk. I was able to exercise all phases: strength, flexibility, balance and breathing. Finished my Yoga practice with the corpse pose and visualized out trip to Twin Fall, Idaho. We could not see Twin Falls until we reached it, it just appeared in front of us. The Twin Falls was beautiful with cascades of water falls and the Snake River was wide and deep. Eviel Knievel rode his motor cycle over the Snake River in the 1970’s. It was an amazing feat. As it was a very dangerous jump over the Snake River. Twin Falls was a serene water fall and the air was crisp and clean. Opened my eyes to the foggy sky, the sun almost breaking through the fog. Talked to Doris at 9:00 AM: Doris is well and rested. She ordered some food from China Kitchen and it will be delivered by Doordash, The food is offering for the Altar for opening the New Year. GSW won their game against the Oklahoma Thunders. Curry and the rest of the team played very well against Oklahoma. Diana is not coming over today as she has to baby sit the dog because the fence was not installed. She asked about my signing the Half way house documents, I told her it will probably be next week as Case Manager and Secretary were swamped with other chores. She will be busy with New Years stuff. I will be busy tutoring and ACE Class tonight. Showered and changed to BOP uniform at 9:30 AM. Cleaned the computer room. Lunch was served at 10:20 AM. Luncheon menu: Baked chicken, green beans, sweet potatoes, bread, apple and water. Helped Education Supervisor CO Johnson with some questions about his research papers on teaching inmates with learning disabilities, special teaching techniques, time accommodations for tests and other things to help them pass their GED examinations. Checked email at 11:00 AM: Doris is well and rested, She walked 9162 steps, 15.7 inches step length and symmetry was 7.3%. She will pray on the opening of the New Year. GSW won their game against the Oklahoma Thunders. GED Tutoring 12:00 – 3:00 PM. Census count at 3:30 PM. Dinner was served after the count. Dinner menu: Chicken tortilla, rice, mixed vegetables, green beans and water. ACE Class Mastering Stage Presence 6:00-6:30PM. Census count at 7:00 PM. Census count at 8:00 PM. Cleaned up at 9:00 PM. Final Census count at 9:30 PM. Went to bed at 10:00 PM.
Today was a good day: Reopening of Chinese New Year. Doris is well and rested. She walked 9162 steps, 15.7 inches step length and symmetry was 7.3%. Yesterday was the 362st consecutive days she closed the ring on her iPhone. Walked 6 miles, stretched, split stretched and practiced Yoga. Good GED Tutoring. Attended ACE Class.
Francis Bacon: The four pillars of government …. (which are religion, Justice, Counsel and Treasury).
Books Read: 50 Books, Book Reports: 50 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
EBRR Classes: 19 Classes, EBRR Class Reports: 17 Reports.
ACE Classes: 91 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 82 Reports, Target: 100 Classes.
Miles Walked Today: 6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 3443 Miles, Target: 5000 Miles.
Bahya Ibn Paguda: All virtues and duties are dependent on humility.