1/20/2024 Saturday daily diary from Atwater.
Woke up at 5:40 AM. Made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform, and made a cup of coffee. Stretched, drank my coffee and watched the local news and weather report, high temperature for today is 64 degrees F. Started walking at 6:20 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:25 AM. Breakfast menu: Oatmeal, muffin, an apple and water.
Plan for Today:
- Stretch.
- Call Doris.
- Check email from Doris.
- Email daily dairy for 1/19/2024.
- Walk 6 Miles.
- Split Stretch.
- Quotations.
- ACE Classes – Stress and Your Body 5-6 PM (Hosting) and US History 2 6-6:30 PM.
Talked to Doris last night night: Doris is well and her spirit was up. She has been waiting all day for my call. She walked about 45oo steps, her step length was 18.2 Inches and her symmetry was 72 %. She said she was walking more normally instead of stomping her feet like she used to before the injury. The injury was a blessing in disguise as it made her gait more natural. Norma and Diana said she was walking better too. I told her that 75 percent of the GED students passed their examinations and the next examination is schedules for February. She asked if there was any bonus for the job well done. I told her probably not, as they won’t even let us have any supplies for teaching i.e.. markers, pencils, paper, etc.. I was more interested that it show that I am teaching and tutoring in the education department. These records and my classes and certification will be helpful during my half way house request and hopefully with my probation officer. She was glad that I called and felt really happy.
Finished walking 6 miles at 8:10 AM in 1 hour 16 minutes and 37 seconds. Average walking times were: 12 minutes and 13 seconds per mile (milla) or 49 seconds per lap (vuelta). It rained last night and the trail was flooded, the basketball court was wet but good for walking. the morning started out dark but cool in the 40’s. The rabbits were grazing on the field, some of them came close to the basketball court. As the morning progressed, the dawn sky appeared with dark grey blackish thick clouds over the horizon and lighter grey clouds in the mid sky. the clouds turned to dark grey over the horizon and lighter grey in the mid sky, contrasting colors on display. the dark sky grew lighter and yellow rays radiated from the sun’s path and illuminated the mid sky. However the sun rise did not materialize but it was a pretty dramatic scene. Stretched and split stretched at the basketball court until 8:40 AM. had a nutty bar, peanut butter and an apple for snacks. Showered at 9:10 AM and changed to BOP uniform. Lunch was served at 9:30 AM. Luncheon menu: scrambled eggs, biscuits with gravy, banana and water. Talked to Doris at 10:30 AM: Doris is well but felt depressed as she could not visit me this weekend. I told her to cheer up and work towards self reliance so she won’t have to depend on others. It was drizzling in the Bay Area and traffic was bad because of the forty niners football game. She walked about 3000 steps and step length was 14.7 inches with a symmetry of 80 %. She will walk more in the afternoon. The dogs are staying in their house because of the rain. She will stay indoors to keep dry and warm. She will gather all the information for taxes. Went to library to work on my Spanish lessons. Census count at 3:30 PM. Dinner was served after the count. Dinner menu: chicken sandwich, green beans, chili and water. ACE Classes Stress and Your Body 5-6 PM (Hosting) and US History 1 6-6:30 PM. Census count at 7:30 PM. Census count at 8:30 PM. cleaned up at 9:00 PM. Final census count at 9:30 PM. Went to bed at 10:00 PM.
Today was a good day: Doris is well and her ankle has improved. She is walking better. She felt better after my call, but was depressed earlier because she could not visit me this weekend. Walked 6 miles and split stretched. Hosted and attended ACE Classes.
Blaise Pascal: A trifle consoles us because a trifle upset us.
Books Read: 26 Books, Book Reports: 26 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
ACE Classes: 43 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 38 Reports, target: 100 Classes.
EBRR Classes: 13 Classes, EBRR Class Reports: 13 Reports.
Miles Walked Today: 6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 1245 Miles, Target: 9000 Miles.
Walter Pater: To burn always with the hard, gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstacy, is success in life.