1/13/2024 Saturday daily diary from Atwater Camp.
Woke up at 5:40 AM. Made up my bed, cleaned up, changed to BOP uniform and made a cup of coffee. Stretched, drank my coffee and watched the local news and weather report, high temperature for today is 50 degrees F. Started walking at 6:20 AM. Breakfast was served at 6:30 am. Breakfast menu: Oatmeal, muffin, apples and water.
Plan for Today:
- Stretch.
- Call Doris.
- Check email from Doris.
- Email daily diary for 1/12/2023.
- Walk 6 miles.
- Split stretch.
- Quotations.
- ACE Classes – Stress and Your Body 5-6 PM (Hosting) and Us History 2 6-6:30 PM.
- Visitation.
Completed walking 6 miles at 8:10 AM in 1 hour 16 minutes and 20 seconds. Average walking times were: 12 minutes and 10 seconds per mile (milla) or 49 seconds per lap. The morning started out dark and cold in the 30’s. It was overcast except for a small patch above the Sierras which was clear. As the dawn sky emerged the cloudless region was bright red in contrast with the dark grey clouds. As the morning progressed the cloud covered the entire sky thus shielding the sun rise. Stretched and split stretched at the basket ball court until 8:30 AM. The cloud was building up and slight drizzle started. Had some donuts, nutty bar and an apple for snacks. Called Doris at 8:40 AM but did not connect. Checked email form Doris: She confirmed our visitation toady. Norma will pick her up at 8:00 AM. She slept well last night and she will be able to sleep in the car on the way to Atwater. Took a shower at 9:10 AM and changed to BOP uniform. Called Doris at 9:30 AM, but could not connect. Lunch was served at 9:35 AM. Luncheon menu: Tacos, pasta, corn, an apple and water. talked to Doris at 10:20 AM: her estimated time of arrival is 10:50 – 11:00 AM. The phone did not ring, as she missed 2 calls from me. Doris arrived at the visitation room around 11:10 AM: Doris look and felt well. She was happy and was waling well without the cane. She felt more relaxed that Patches has left. Norma dropped her off at the visitation room. Th weather in the Bay Area was cold, even the dogs Did not want to venture out of their house. She got a lot of romance scams on both mine and her phones. I told her to beware of the scams. I told her we have two guys who were into romance scams at the camp. She had a few Nigerian scams which she reported and blocked them. I told her this is the new reality, digital scams are proliferating on the social media and to be aware of them. I told her to read my class report on Criminal Thinking to help her control her feelings rather than her feelings being controlled by others. Patches and Kein got along well as their personality and interest are similar. Diana is well and is going to a chiropractor for her back. She was also dehydrated. Francis might have to extend his stay another week. Doris has to fill the hole in front of the house where the water heater discharge the overflow. We had Dr. Pepper, Cheddar Cheese Potatoes chips and Potatoes skin chips for snacks. The CO was nice enough to let me get the items form the vending machine under their watchful eyes. Doris is exercising he legs by climbing the stairs in the house. It is good for her to strengthen her legs. She is also trying to walk without her cast at night, I suggested that she walk around the house without the cast but with her cane to build up her confidence and strength. She wanted to improve her walking so when I get out, we could travel together. I strongly encourage her efforts. Doris is tabulating all the documents for our income tax: property taxes, home insurance, car insurance, car registration, w2 -1099 form CalPERS and social security, interest payments form banks. She said that my balance for Social Security is down to zero and I can request reinstatement after i get out. She has been monitoring the BOP website for my Release date, I told her once a month should be sufficient as BOP updates it monthly. She liked my hair cut and asked about Armando, I told her all is back to normal after his stint at the SHU. Armando’s mom had a successful surgery in San Francisco. Doris is a lot happier at the visitation and did not fall asleep, her spirit is up. Doris left the visitation room at 2:30 PM. Norma was already waiting for her. She hope to visit me again next week on 1/20/2024. It was a very good visit. Census count at 3:30 PM. Dinner was served after the count. Dinner menu: chicken salad, bread, chips, mixed vegetables and water. ACE classes – Stress and your body 5-6 PM (Hosting) and US History 2 6-6:30 PM. Called Doris at 5:50 PM to ensure that she got home safely. She told me she twisted her legs when she was walking to the SUV and it is swelled up. I told her to iced it down and put some ointment to help reduce the swelling. Census count at 7:30 PM. Census count at 8:30 PM. Cleaned up at 9:00 PM. Final Census count at 9:30 PM. Went to bed at 10:00 PM.
Today was a good day: Doris is well and we had a good visitation. Doris is busy with household chores. Walked 6 miles and split stretched. Hosted and attended ACE classes.
Thomas Paine: If there is trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.
Books Read: 26 Books, Book Reports: 26 Reports, Target: 150 Books.
ACE Classes: 42 Classes, ACE Class Reports: 35 Reports, Target: 100 Classes.
EBRR Classes: 13 Classes, EBRR Class Reports: 13 Reports.
Miles Walked Today: 6 Miles, Cumulative Mileage: 1206 Miles, Target: 9000 Miles.
Pali Tripitaka: Is it fitting to consider what is impermanent, painful, and subject to change, ‘this is mine, this am I, this is my self’?