Journal Entry: Celeste Monette Blair-10/22/2024-Gaining Awareness

Journal Entry

Gaining Awareness Peer Success Domestic Violence Workshop

Every workshop should begin with the creation of SAFE SPACE.
Dr. Sanchez and Dr. Kirby, of the INSIDE OUT PROGRAM, taught me everything there is to know about
Sociology, Victimology and Criminology.

Those two amazing professors taught me the best ice breaker for creating safe space through recognizing FORCED CHOICE:
in an attempt to realize the beauty in the fact that we all have things in common and it’s ok that we can have different opinions sometimes too.

Everyone stands up and we draw an imaginary line across the center of the room, a series of questions are then asked:

-do you prefer the warm beach or the cold mountains?
-are you a dog person or a cat lover?
-would you rather drive a sports car or an SUV?
-are you a meat lover or vegetarian?
– jeans or slacks?

you get the idea…the point is that with each question, everyone in the room goes on the side of the line that represents their answer, creating a group of ” like minded ” folks on each side.

Then, when we sit down to discuss boundaries; making an honest attempt at GAINING AWARNESS, we feel safer about owing our separate preferences.

In phase (1) we take the BOUNDARIES QUIZ:

1) Do you say ” yes ” to things you should say “no” to?
2) Do you allow others to control, manipulate, an/exploit up?
3) Do you live to meet the needs of others?
4) Do you tend to like the same things as others just to get along?
5) Do you change your attitude, opinions, and/or behavior depending on who you are with?
6) Do you take on too many responsibilities and set too few boundaries out of fear of what others might think of you?
7) Are you afraid of hurting other people’s feeling if you say “no” to them?
8) Do you fear abandonment, rejection and separateness?
9) Do you wish to be totally dependent on another person?
10) Do you fear abandonment, rejection and separateness?
11) Do you fear being punished, shamed and accused of being selfish, bad or unspiritual?
12) Do you fear the over-strict and critical conscience of another person?
13) Do you store up resentments until you explode, then feel guilty?
14) Is it hard for you to ask for help from others when you really need it?
15) Do you avoid getting involved activities and events?
16) Do you have a hard time knowing what your needs really are?
17) Do you think your problems are bad, shameful or destructive?
18 ) Do you withdrawal and isolate from others when you are in need?
19) Is it hard to let others in?
20) Are you confused about your relationships?
21) Do you have people in your life that shouldn’t be there?
22) Do you experience a lot of loneliness?

In phase (2) of GAINING AWARNESS, we define:
-the hoola hoop
-the freedom of ” no “
