Journal Entry: Celeste Monette Blair-01/23/2025-Advice to Prisoners

Journal Entry

Advice to Prisoners

President Joe Biden Jr. granted me clemency this weekend. Can you imagine? This decision is one more exhibit in proving my theory about Divine Balance; how when we live our lives in honor of the 24 hours we are given each day, honor the responsibilities that come with being a part of a community, the community of Earth; all things work in your favor.

I have used the wellness wheel as my guide.

Often times, you cannot see that everything is lining up, all you can do is the next best 24 hour effort.

You must believe in your heart of hearts, even when folks have let you down, you have fallen short, made a grave mistake, your life is worth living.

I am a firm believer that there is a monumental difference in making a few very bad mistakes vs. constantly living a bad life filled with continuous mistakes.

When people say I am lucky or that God is good, I just smile. My former mother in law said it best, when talking about me one day, not knowing I could hear her, ” it’s one thing to believe in God but you can’t lay in the freeway and pray a truck won’t hit you.”

Make no mistake- I did the work. My first week in prison I started looking for ways to sort out the mess I found myself in- having received a 360 mo.. sentence. I used the same skills and passion that I have used my whole life- in a positive way.

Find your voice
Own your story
Repair bridges
See the vision
Do the Research
Make plans
Help someone else to do the same

I took RDAP at the beginning of my sentence with out getting the year off, I needed that program and it changed my life.
I wrote letters every week to anyone I could find an address for, and yes, then one day, after 50 letters went out, about 4 months in Debi Cambell reached out to me. She works with FAMM.

The story is so long, but suffice to say, I have been working towards the goal of early release since that day.
Every single decision I have made, was with that goal, the goal of leaving here as soon as possible, in the front of my mind.
There were times when people stole from me, threw water on me, cut in front of me in line, insulted me, lied on me- you name it, never did anything trump my vision of re-entry. Never did my ego come between me and that goal.

Every day, I asked myself,
” are my actions today in line with my goals for tomorrow?”

Life is what we make it. At the end of the day, it’s not up to any staff member, family member or partner to fix you up.
It’s up to you.

I have done my time with dignity and grace.