ACE Class Report – US History Native American.
Begin: 2/4/2024
Finish: 4/21/2024
Title: US History – Native American.
Instructor: Costal College
Why I choose to take this class:
To learn about the conflicts and struggles of the American Indians against the British and the colonist. How it influence the culture and their was of life.
What I learned from this class:
Most of the early settlers wanted to start new lives and make new homes for their family in the new land. At first, The British and colonial governments tried to deal with the Indians through negotiations and treaties. The settlers and the Indians had fairly friendly relation. The Indians sought to protect their lands from the claims of the increasing numbers of new comers and fighting broke out. After the 13 colonies declared independent from Britain, the new government of the United States became responsible for dealing with the Indians. In 1778 – The US an the Delaware Indians signed a treaty – between the new nation and an Indian tribe. Nearly 400 other treaties follow, each tribe gave up much of its territory and kept only a part for itself. the Federal Government promised cash payment and protection in return for the land obtained. The government also agreed to supply the Indians with livestock, goods and medicine. Many of the treaties were broken as settlers entered lands reserved for Indians. The US government established the Office of Indian Affairs in 1824 to deal with the Indian issues. In 1830 the Indian Removal Act was designed to free more lands for white settlement and move the Indians to to lands West of the Mississippi River. The Indian land became known as Indian Territory. The reservation spread across Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska. Thousand of Indians died during the relocation known as the Trail of Tears. Eventually settlers wanted the land as well and Indian territory was reduced. Meanwhile settlers were pushing into other lands in the West all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The discovery pf gold in 1848 also brought prospectors who killed game which Indians depended. The Indians fought to keep their land but were defeated. And the US government placed various tribes on isolated reservations. In 1887 – Dawes Act which break up tribal lands into small property units for Indians. Excess land were sold to whites, freeing more lands for white settlers. the Dawes Act hoped to encourage Indians to become farmers and assimilate into non- Indian society. Indians had no knowledge of farming, or interest and land allocated were not suitable for farming. many Indians sold their land and lived off the money they received. When money ran out, the Indians had no means of support. Some white people settled illegally on Indian lands, Many Indians were cheated out of their land by corrupt land speculators. In 1968 The American Indian Movement (AIM) was founded to work for equal rights and better living conditions for American Indians.
The economic situations for American Indians have improved from Federal funding that aided Tribes starting their own business. Some tribes invested money won from Land Claim Settlements into economic developments. Gambling Casinos authorized the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988, are an important source of revenues for many tribe. Some tribes gets money by leasing rights to or taxing the production of Oil / Gas and other minerals on their reservations. In spite of the social and economic advances of the Indians, many problems remain. Unemployment averages 40-60% and average income are lower than the national average. Most Indians in the work force hold low-paying, unskilled jobs. Suicide and infant mortality rates are higher and life expectancy is lower. Alcoholism is also a problem. Native American struggle to balance their traditional regard for the environment with their need for economic development. Tribe whose land are rich in mineral resources face the question of how much mining can be done on their land without permanently damaging it. Indian continue to work to improve their economic, social,, and political position and to protect their lands, and rights guaranteed to them by treaty. They also seek respect for their cultural heritage.
How will this class contribute to my success upon release:
The struggles of native American can be used as a learning tool to avoid dealing with the government. The class improve my analytical nd critical thinking skills and empathy for the native Americans.