ACE Class Report – US History 20Th Century
Begin: 12/5/2023
Finish: 2/20/2024
Title: US History 20 th Century
Instructor: Rodrigo Santos
Why I choose to take this class:
History about the United States from 1933 Great Depression to the 21 st Century. To understand the history and conflicts faced by United States.
What I learned from this class:
The stock market crash of 1929 combined with the other weakness in the nation’s economy to bring on the longest depression in US history. In the height of depression in 1933, about 13 million Americans were out of work. Early in the great depression, Hoover promised that prosperity was “just around the corner.” But the depression deepened. Roosevelt promised government action to end the Great Depression and reforms to avoid future depression. He won a landslide victory. Roosevelt’s program for recovery was called the New Deal. It included: public works projects to provide jobs, relief for farmers, aid to manufacturing firms, relief for farmers, and regulation of banks, farm credit administration which extended credit to farmers and the social security board, which developed the social security system for payment to retired workers and workers with disabilities. Roosevelts efforts made him one of the most popular president, he was elected to four terms. The New Deal helped relieve the hardship of many Americans. However, hard times g=dragged on until World War II, Military Spending stimulated the economy. World War II began in September 1, 1938 but US stayed out of the war. But on December 7, 1941 Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. US declared war on December 8, 1941. The country had a shortage of civilian men, and so thousands of women worked in the defense plant. On May 7, 1945, Germany surrender. Vice president Harry S Truman became president after Roosevelt death about a month earlier. The allies demanded Japan’s surrender but Japan continue to fight. Truman mad of of the major decision history. He ordered the use of the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9. Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945. Post was presidency for US lead to growth in suburb. Th cold war followed suit an lasted until the end of the century. Civil rights movements, Lyndon Johnson passed many Civil Tights laws. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Right Act. The Vietnam war from 1957 – 1975. 1969 US landed on the moon. Richard Nixon became president in 1969 and resigned in 1974. Nixon established relationship with China. Nixon was replaced by Gerald Ford. Jimmy Carter replaced Gerald Ford, and the country wen into inflation. The Iranian hostage crisis in February 1979, Iran held the hostages until January 1981, when Reagan was elected president. Reagan was shot but survived. After Reagan, he was replaced by George W Bush who was defeated by Bill Clinton. In 1998-1999 the House of Representative impeached President Bill Clinton but the Senate found him not guilty.
How will this class contribute to my success upon release:
US History is important to understand about the country. The knowledge acquired will be taught to communities which I hope to volunteer my services.