Choon Yong-ACE Class Report-Physiology and Fitness.

Author of Book: Instructor: Dean Hodgkin
Date Read: October 1, 2023

Book Report

ACE Class Report – Physiology and Fitness.
Begin: 7/10/2023
Finish: 10/1/2023
Title: Physiology and Fitness
Instructor: Dean Hodgkin
University of Portsmouth

Why I chose to take this Class:
To have a basic understanding of how our body works and to meet my own health and fitness goals. Learn about the Anatomy and Physiology of the human body.

What I learned from this class:
I learned about the components of fitness. The anatomy and physiology of the human body. How to measure fitness through a series of exercises. How to overcome barriers to exercise. We learned about the heart, how it moves blood through our body. learned about fitness of breathing and breathing ailments. It delves into the anatomy: Joints, bones, muscles, brain and body. The types of ailments from sedentary lifestyles. The types of exercise we can do at the office to overcome the ailments form sedentary lifestyle. What are stress and exercise and technique to cope with stress. Refuel, recover and reenergize and protecting ourselves form injury and maintain proper balance. How to keep fit at different age and maintaining it. Different ways to keep fit: walking, aqua aerobics, Yoga, and stretching. Staying active to defy aging and weight loss. Setting goals for weight loss and maintaining it. This class illustrate the different workout to keep fit: body weight, medicine ball, step, interval training, dumbell, combat training, fitness ball, balance board, kettle ball, plyometrics, resistance band, training bars and stretching routines.

How will this class contribute to my success upon release:
This class gave me c comprehensive understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The work out technique and ideas for keeping fit will let me apply this knowledge to help me, my family and the geriatric community to keep fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.