Choon Yong-ACE Class Report #67 – Advanced Spanish

Author of Book: Instructor: Rodrigo Santos
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Book Report

ACE Class Report #67 – Advanced Spanish
Begin: 4/25/2024
Finish: 7/14/2024
Title: Advanced Spanish
Instructor: Rodrigo Santos

Why I choose to take this class:
This class helps me improve my Spanish speaking and comprehension skills. Most important of all an opportunity to speak and think Spanish on my feet.

What I learned from this class:
I was able to build my Spanish vocabulary very fast by knowing some Spanish words are exactly like English, but pronounced slight different.
1) Words that ends in ‘OR’ are identical in Spanish.
Doctor El Doctor
Actor El Actor
2) Words that ends in ‘AL’ are identical in Spanish.
Animal El animal
Personal Personal
3) Words that ends in ‘BLE’ are identical in Spanish.
Cable El Cable
Probable Probable
4) Words that end in IC=ICO in Spanish.
Atlantic Atlantico
Electric Electrico
5) Words that end in ENT=ENTE in Spanish.
President el presidente
Excellent Excelente
Restaurant el Restaurante
Important Importante
6) Words that end in IST=ISTA in Spanish,
Dentist El Dentista
Pianist El Pianista
7) Words that end in OUS=OSO in Spanish,
Delicious Delicioso
Famous Famoso
8) Words that end in TION=CION in Spanish.
Invitation La invitacion
Conversation la conversacion
Nation Nacion
Discussion la discusion
8A) No double S in Spanish, and
Words that start with SP=ESP in Spanish.
9) Words that end in TY=DAD in Spanish.
Electricity la Electricidad
Variety la Variedad
Facility la Facilidad
10) Words that end in RY=RIO in Spanish.
Anniversary Aniversario
Itinerary Itinerario
11) Words that end in EM=EMA in Spanish.
Program El Programa
Problem El Problema
12) Words that end in CE=CIA in Spanish.
Experience la Experiencia
Justice la Justicia
13) Words that end in CY=CIA in Spanish.
Democracy la Democracia
Emergency la Emergencia
13A) Words that start with SP=ESP in Spanish
Special Especial
Station Estacion
Student Estudiante
Splendor Esplandor
Spain Espana
In Spanish PF=F
Telephone Telefone
In Spanish TH=T
Author Autor
There are only double ‘L’ or ‘R’ all others become single.
Commission Comision
Apparent Aparente
Attractive Atrativo
Different Diferente
IS -‘ES” or ‘ESTA’
Esta is used to say where things are or to ask where they are
Donde (where) and Como (How) takes ‘Esta’.
Esta is a third man form and is used with anybody but yourself.
You don’t need to say the word ‘here’ in Spanish, you can just say ‘no esta’.
Words that end in LY=Mente in Spanish
Rapidly Rapidamente
14) Words that end in INE=INA in Spanish.
Medicine La Medicina
Cocain La Cocaina
Vaseline La Vaselina
14A) Por is used with time and communication.
Por radio on the radio
Por una hora for an hour
Para is used for people and occasions
Para mi mama For my mom.
Para la fiesta for the party
15) Words that end in IVE=IVO in Spanish.
Active Activo
Explosive El explosivo
Attractive Atractivo
16) Words that end in Y=IA
Words that end in CLE=ULO in Spanish
Article El Articulo
Muscle Musculo
Circle el Circulo
There are lots more similarity in English and Spanish words. WE practice speaking in Spanish with our expanded vocabulary, with different themes each week.

How will this class contribute to my success upon release:
My expanded Spanish Vocabulary and practice in conversational Spanish has build my confident when speaking to Spanish inmates. The new language facility will allow me to volunteer my service to the Spanish immigrant and Geriatric communities upon my release.