Journal Entry: William David Kragthorpe-09/07/2024

Journal Entry

First, I would like to thank Michael Santos, and some of his team (Roman and Lynn) for all of your hard work, dedication, and assistance, with helping me create a lasting memorial to myself and others!!

This evening, as I was walking back from a 4 mile run, feeling exhausted but exhilarated, I couldn’t help but to take in a breathtaking sunset. The vivid colors; yellow/orange/red blending in with a dark cobalt blue sky was awe inspiring. It was a reminder to me that nobody has to accept that they are prison, and therefore have to act like they are in prison. What I mean by this is that even though a person is in prison, they can still live their life with gratitude, blessing, and a graciousness towards life. In other words, a person can be happy and enjoy even the most simple things.

In the morning when I wake up I greet the day with excitement by having a clear set of attainable goals that I have set for myself each evening. Through the day as I accomplish the things that I have set to do for myself, those completion of those goals just continue to compound themselves, which gives me a very satisfied and appreciative take on life. Doing this on a daily basis is not always easy, it takes dedication and self discipline and sometimes I just want to say the heck with it, but there is no room for failure at this point in my life. I will succeed and the work I put forth to get back on the playing field of life will continue through perseverance and dedication. As I have mentioned in prior journal entries I stay very busy with so many things, that I just don’t have time to complain about anything in this place. I’m on a mission, with an agenda to leave this place stronger that I have ever been in my life. And, today I can honestly say that by the hard work that I continue to put forth, that freedom that I seek is becoming more of a reality.

Today, I’m so grateful for my life, the beauty that I see around me, my very close and good friends at home, and the opportunity to live my life (free) again soon!

Thank you again for everyone at Prison Professors Talent!!

William Kragthorpe