Journal Entry: William David Kragthorpe-01/31/2025

Journal Entry

It has been some time since I have journaled. Between the terrible program where I was at with limited computer access, it has been difficult to write. Briefly, I do want to say that I have transferred to a much better place, where everything seems to function much better. I’m happy to be where I am at, and now have begun the last leg of what I consider the end of my journey. I will add that this transfer was earned and something I worked hard for. Nothing comes easy in here and the work that a person puts forward can earn certain benefits. The best news is that because of the hard work I have put forth, there is now a possibility that I could be back home as soon as next year. Another example of working hard for things in here! I just want to compliment Michael Santos on all of the things he talks about and how using what he speaks of is true. I have used what he has written and talked about as a blue print for how I have done my time in here and it has worked! That’s it for now.

William Kragthorpe