Journal Entry: Thursday, November 16, 2023

Journal Entry

Unlocking Potential: The Journey from Incarceration to Innovation

In the heart of every crisis lies a kernel of opportunity, a chance for reinvention and the birth of innovation. While climbing through 9,500 days in prisons of every security level I knew the world was changing. When I went to prison, the internet did not exist. Email did not exist. Cell phones did not exist. I could not participate with all those innovations. But I could use time inside to prepare. That is what we teach in our course, Preparing for Success after Prison. I hope you’ll check with your Reentry Affairs Coordinate and learn how to enroll.

Those who enroll will learn strategies to prepare, just as I had to do. The world is changing now in a magnificent way, with artificial intelligence. If people prepare well while incarcerated, they will be far more equipped to adjust to this new world.

People who have experienced incarceration know that the journey back to freedom is not just about physical liberation—it’s about unlocking the potential that lies dormant within, waiting to be ignited by the spark of creativity and the relentless pursuit of progress.

The Unseen Innovation Incubator

Prisons, by their very nature, are places of restriction, control, and often, despair. Yet, within these walls, a surprising phenomenon occurs: the human spirit, when pressed, can turn these constraints into a crucible for innovation. The stories of those who have turned a cell into a studio, a workshop, or a think tank are not just inspiring—they’re instructive.

The Catalyst of Constraint

Constraint breeds creativity. When options are limited, the mind is forced to find new paths, to see beyond the barriers. This is the first step on the journey from incarceration to innovation. It’s a mental shift from seeing what is not possible to envisioning what could be. This shift is the cornerstone of all innovation, and it’s available to anyone, regardless of circumstance.

The Blueprint for Breakthrough

The journey from incarceration to innovation follows a blueprint that can be replicated and customized. It involves several key stages:

  1. Visioning Beyond the Visible: It starts with a vision that transcends current circumstances. This vision is not a mere daydream; it’s a detailed and vivid picture of a desired future state.
  2. Learning as Liberation: Education becomes a tool for liberation, not just intellectually but also emotionally and socially. It’s about acquiring knowledge and skills that will serve as the foundation for future innovation.
  3. Resourcefulness as a Resource: In the absence of abundant resources, ingenuity becomes the currency of progress. Making the most of limited materials, time, and support networks teaches invaluable lessons about efficiency and adaptability.
  4. Collaboration Within Constraints: Building relationships with fellow inmates, prison staff, and external supporters becomes a pathway to pooling collective wisdom and resources, fostering a culture of collaboration that can lead to unexpected breakthroughs.
  5. The Iterative Process of Improvement: Innovation is not a one-time event but a continuous process of trial, error, feedback, and refinement. This iterative process is crucial in environments where failure can often have higher stakes.

Real-World Innovators

As we share in our course, history gives us many examples of people who turned adversity into advantage. Consider the story of Malcolm X, whose imprisonment became a period of intense education and self-reflection, leading to his emergence as a pivotal figure in the civil rights movement. Or consider the modern-day tech entrepreneurs who began their startups while on parole, using the discipline and focus honed during their sentences to drive their business ventures.

Your Innovation Journey

If you’re working through our courses, your journey to innovation has already begun. The skills you’re developing now—resilience, resourcefulness, and the ability to thrive within constraints—are the same ones that will fuel your success in the outside world.

As you embark on this journey, remember that innovation is not just about creating new products or services. It’s about reimagining your life, reinventing yourself, and reshaping the world around you. It’s about unlocking the potential that has always been there, waiting for the right moment to burst forth.

And when that moment comes, when you step out from incarceration to innovation, you’ll join the ranks of those who have not just survived, but thrived, turning their greatest challenges into their most triumphant victories.

The journey from incarceration to innovation is a testament to the indomitable human spirit. It’s a path marked by the footsteps of those who have walked before you, and it’s a trail that you, too, can blaze. With each step, unlock your potential, and let your journey be a beacon to others who follow, illuminating the way from the shadows of the past to the brilliance of a future without limits.

Remember, we encourage you to memorialize your journey. If you haven’t done so already, send an invite to Our platform will allow you to build a case to show why you’re extraordinary and compelling, and worthy of opportunities.


Michael Santos

Founder of Prison Professors Talent