Journal Entry: Tara Lynn Lee-08/14/2024

Journal Entry

It’s been a bit hectic around the compound lately. The BOP oversite Committee was here for a day and the compound lost an amazing officer. She passed away in her sleep so everyone has been a bit out of sorts. So, with that being said, journaling has been an afterthought for me.

When anyone passes away, whether it be an employee or an inmate, it leaves a mark on your soul. When you are in prison, this becomes a world of its own to you. We literally have a library, a store, a laundry mat, a church, a doctor’s office, a psychology office as well as a gym, so essentially, for many of us, this is our “world”. So much like in the free world, when a loss of any kind occurs, you are affected. Only because this is such a small world, the loss is felt by everyone here.

I am reminded this week how precious life is, regardless of where you are and who you live with. tomorrow is never promised. My hope is that when I release from here I will be able to gain the support from the public to help those inmates who do not have contact with their loved ones in the free world regain contact. Life is too short to stay mad.