My Core Values:
I live authentically, transparent,and brutally honest;even when it hurts or results in consequences. I live empathetically, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes. I live to show every person I come into contact with that “most people are good” despite past decisions. I want to be someone who puts more “amazing” back into grace by forgiveness and acceptance. I want to help those who don’t believe in themselves learn how to believe. I want to set an example by showing the world that prison doesn’t define who you are and that a mistake does not make you a monster nor a criminal. I believe that acceptance of responsibility is the key to growth and change and my mission is to not only be an example but help others achieve the freedom I have been given.
My long term goals:
By 2030 I want to have published my first book. I hope to be actively writing fully time as well as maintaining a successful podcast and blog dedicated to “prison voices”. I want inmates stories heard. I want to be able to publicly bring awareness to the horrific things that go on behind the prison gates. I want the podcast and blog to be an outlet for inmates to ask for forgiveness and acceptance. Many of those incarcerated struggle with lack of forgiveness from their victims, which often results in violence, drug use, and depression. I want to be able to help them gain the forgiveness they are searching for. There are also many who want to be able to show their growth, change, and development and have no way outside of the prison walls. I want to be an beacon for all those who inspire to be better.
I want to make a difference in the world by:
Bringing awareness to Americans regarding the “real” behind the federal prison walls. I want the world to see the conditions and situations inmates face while incarcerated. Many Americans are blinded by the lack of knowledge about what really happens in prison. I hope to bring those issues to the forefront in hopes of making change.
My Guiding principles for personal and professional development include:
I must continue to document the occurrences I witness and those of other inmates. I must work diligently daily to journal and record all important situations. I must continue to meet and reach out to inmates and build relationships and trust so that I can reach those who have a story to tell. I need to build a support network of those individuals who are advocating for criminal justice reform and those who are able to assist with building a podcast and blog. I also need to gain a foundation that will ensure long term success.