Happy Mother’s Day from Author Tamika Cross
I am not free…while any women is unfree. Even if her shackles are very different from my own! By Aundre Lorde
Mother’s Day is 365 days a year and 24 hours a day and 7 days a week even when we are in Federal Custody. I cannot give you all gifts from my hands but I prayed and this is what God put on my heart to do for the Women at Alderson Federal Prison Camp. I am giving you the gift of unconditional love I don’t know all your stories and all your stories are unique to you but what I will give you all is the gift to understand how to write your stories and if you want to learn the tools and the SPECIAL SKILL SET to publish your stories I will do that also for free!!
A true leader has the confidence to stand alone. The courage to laugh at tough decisions and the compassion to fly alone. She does not set out to be a leader but becomes one by quality of her actions, intent and integrity in the end. Leaders are much eagles they don’t flock together like chickens. You find them 1 at a time. Alderson Federal Prison camp can hold 781 women always try to the 1 out of the 781, be different and be you because everyone else is taken you are unique and wonderfully made.
1. What kind of legacy would you like to leave for others is the question I ask myself everyday I am in here?
2. Remember favor is deceitful and beauty is Vain but a Women that fears the Lord shall be Praised! Proverbs 31:30
I know everyone does not read the Bible or want to I understand that but for those who do read Proverbs 31:1-31 and that is my poem to all of you…
Sign up for Creative Writing today with Author Tamika Cross
I will post a sign up sheet and just add your First and Last Name, Your Cube Number and Inmate Number I am offering it to the Women of A4 first to see how many women want to learn this special skill set and then I will work with the other units when the time is right. But Since I am in A4 I will start in house 1st and I can only have 3 women at time in my cube so giving me your name and Cube number and inmate number helps me come find you when I am done with the 3 women!