Lesson 2- Attitude and Appreciation
(2.1)- You would expect a person with Halim’s background to have a difficult time adjusting inside a penitentiary. He is young nd has grown up with no real role models. He is not used to rules, so you would anticipate he would be giving a lot of kickback and get into some trouble.
(2.2) After 20 years imprisoned you would expect he would become institutionalized and have a difficult time adjusting when released.
(2.3) I would say if someone with Halim’s background wanted to change they could succeed. It would take a lot of perseverance and effort, it would not be easy, but anyone regardless of their circumstances can succeed.
(2.4) Halim’s attitude had everything to do with his release. He did not give up, he refused o just let his time do him. He was motivated to become someone regardless of the circumstances life had surrounded him with . He was released because he refused to give up and was able to prove that he was a different person.
(2.5) Halim’s aspirations fueled his adjustment because he was not going to allow himself to be who people expected him to be . going in with goals allowed him to make his own adjustments refusing to give up hope.
(2.6) A story like Halim’s can help you understand that you can get thought anything. You can still achieve anything if you are motivated and disciplined enough. His story shows that your circumstances do not need to be you ultimate outcome. What you believe and what you want to achieve can and should be your outcome.
Open questions
-I see myself as a good person. I have made mistakes but am determined tolerant from those mistakes and no to allow them to push me into self defeat.
-The prosecutor would know this about me due to many conversations we had throughout my case. The judge would only read this from character letters, video and presentencing memo.
– The steps I could take to allowed the judge and prosecuted to know this about me would be to document what I intend to do then to show action as I achieve these goals. That way they not only hear of progress but are able to see that progress.
Blind Questions
– What motivated the prosecute or judge to pursue their positions would be to better our country and fight for justice.
– The judge currently views me as any other case, a person who made a mistake and he will punish for their mistakes.
Facade Questions
– When the prosecutor of judge meet others in their profession they view people like me in a negative light. They think we are people who make errors that should be punished.
– The common traits I have with other people the prosecutor and judge assess are that we all made choices that led us to our current circumstances. They believe regardless of the circumstances we should learn from our choices and they implement punishment procedures to teach you.
– The judge believes that I am unaware about how I see myself, because in his eyes I gave a false statement. No reason behind it matters it was done and should be punished. I view it as a series of events that led to the situation. The ultimate goal should be to rehabilitate not punish, to my judge the goal was punishment.
Unknown Questions
– The influences in my future that neither me nor the judge considered is how this situation will affect life going forward. It will be more difficult but one can overcome the negative influences.
– The way my behavior shows that i am contemplating the unknows are the goals i have set as well as my determination to work towards those goals for a better future.
– The motivation for my judge to deny my request for special consideration is that he feels that punishment and punishment alone should be enough to deter any issue from occurring in the future. For the punishment to be severe he needed to compare it to other punishments he had given in his past.
Thank You
Stamatina Bourret