Over the past 5 years of incarceration, the number of Re-entry possibilities have increased. The Re-entry efforts from within the BOP in terms of programming, rehabilitation and other guidance is still lacking, so my advice is not to wait for anyone, but take matters into your own hands.
Be pro-active in making your own goal sheet and a time line which is realistic. And be your own mentor, coach and monitor your progress. Journaling is imperative.
Last week, I was very happy to hand out a number of planners and journals to those around me, thanks to generous donations from my loved ones. In each planner, I wrote a personal message to that person and an inspirational quote. When handing them it, I told them to write down their plans and start living each day as a business day where growth is imperative.
Again, I had this gnawing feeling that I wanted to give out thousands of these planners and journals, unfortunately I am not able to that yet.
Coming back to the resources, the BOP does publish lists of resources per state, where one can send mail or emails to. Among incarcerated individuals there are lists of free publishers, religious organisations, advocates for freedom and so on.
All it takes, is some paper and a few stamps. If you are not sure about what to write, reach out to your mentors and do not be shy to ask for help.
If you have willing friends and family, ask them to email draft letters to you, so you can copy the concept. You are not alone and you do not have to re-invent the wheel. There is no time for that, every page in your planner should be marked “Re-Entry task”.
I keep myself busy at all times, I do feel the weight of incarceration every second, the weight of not being with my loved ones feels like an elephant sitting on my chest.
All around us, the Immigration measures are taking effect and the images resemble that of an invasion task force. I agree with immigration policies, but is this how it should be done? Why not an ultimatum to get documented and then have an orderly deportation. History has taught us that raids have never had the effect that was envisaged,
Sherida Nabi