As of January 1st, 2025, individuals incarcerated in a BOP facility, have to pay for their telephone and video calls. The domestic rate for a phone call is $0.06 per minute, international calls can be charges at as much as >$3.-. depending on the destination. For a video call, the AIC needs to pay a whopping $6.25 for 25 minutes of video chat.
5 years ago, in most parts of the developed world, the mobile telecommunication rates were on average $25.- per month, unlimited calling, texting, video chatting, Internet and much more. Telecommunication companies offer amazing deals and as we live in an era where we our phones are attached at the hip and we need to be connected 24/7, communication costs have only been reduced y-o-y. Businesses operate on VOIP phone systems, Voice Over IP, meaning phone systems operating on Internet connections. As we had an international business, we were always on the lookout for advanced technology, meeting our budget needs.
Telecommunication has become very cost effective over the past 4+ decades and the developments have been revolutionary.
So, how can the communication costs still be so high within the BOP. Being in touch with our loved ones is imperative to our rehabilitation. True, the enormous phone lines due to the free calls, were ridiculous. I spent an hour in line every day on average to make 1 call to my loved ones.
Now, there are no phone lines, but the sad story is that now there is hardly any contact with children, spouses, mothers, fathers, siblings, all vital to our rehabilitation. Video booths remain empty, safe for the few whose family and friends put money in their accounts.
But times in prison have become even more financially strained than before. The meals are inadequate and when one suffers of medical conditions or has a special diet, one has to resort to groceries from Commissary to complement one’s diet. Hygiene materials are barely available, many females now have to buy feminine hygiene items, as these are a constant stressor, all year round. It is not only embarrassing to have to ask for pads, and even have to explain that some extra are needed for reasons that should not have to be explained in the first place. The communications fees on top of that has become a major stress factor.
What keeps many afloat, is that there are people around the world that may be in worse situations, just think about people in war zones.
But when you are in the most powerful country in the world, and there miles and miles of protocols, laws, regulations and handbooks, these predicaments should not even be existent.
There must be a much smarter way to allocate funds and save money within the prison system on staff overtime, inefficiency, disposables, food and other waste. Let’s not be penny wise, pound foolish.