I have spent my time in prison developing a plan to continue on my path, I was always a productive person on the outside and I get up at 5 am to start my day. I am presently a prison Orderly here at Atwood. I have been doing the same job for 18 months now. We are all excited about the new AG that should be confirmed on Wednesday of this week. Her agenda will be cutting the budget for the DOJ and reforming BOP. I have spent so many days trying to figure out what is wrong with the system based on the women population here at Atwood. The first thing is the lack of good Medical Health,the BOP receives millions (billions) of dollars for the MAP and RDAP program and I watch individuals walk around just on the program to continue their high. Mental illness require a 3 step process of first an assessment to see if you need a in house program or a hospitalization outside of your home. Second, intense therapy, and third a recovery program with support to help with stabilization back into general population. because the BOP has a a shortage of just workers these steps are not in place and the medical staff for mental illness just are not available to render services. Drugs are just given to individuals and they leave after completing their sentence and return just to continue to complete a failing system The non existence of Education programs and a Vibrant Re-entry program for all prisoners. We have formed a coalition of women that are in prison right now where health care and the long sentences has affected our lives. We have written letter to Trumps white house explaining our issue. Justice Reform is a long process and I have reached out To Alice Johnson to see if she would be apart of our coalition. I have learned that At wood is trying to partner with Michael Santos so that the prisoners here would join prison professors and that would be great thing since we spend most of our time watching TV. This week my focus had been on the confirmation hearing of Robert F, Kennedy and to see what his approach will be towards the largest Health Care Agency in the world.