Journal Entry: Sharon Y Johnson-01/17/1015-News from ATWOOD IN KENTUCKY

Journal Entry

Hello Readers:

This has been a very difficult week at camp Atwood, the camp sewage system has backup and caused years of backup around the camp. Rodents eating in the cafeteria while we eat our wonderful meals. I found out that the FSA for long term sentence holders unfortunately have over due exits.( we are only given 180 days SC short termers as myself) Projected FTC sentence reduction credits on November 1, 2023, combined with the sentence reduction credits of the Second Chance Act of 2008’s, 15% projection GET and the awarded second half of FSA LAWS, 50% advanced. Together these two laws equal a total of 65% up front to sentence reduction. I thought I was leaving in April of 2025 but it was told to me as of yesterday the date will be Oct 7, 2025. However: God is so good and he is still working it out. I woke up to Biden 2500 Commutation of non violent First Time Offenders. While I am new communicating with you I have a daily schedule that I have maintained since I joined camp At wood. On (Monday) I attend Sister Circle a program that we established to go over the Prison news and the laws changing daily. The presidents agenda while listening to the confirmation hearings. (Tuesday) Bible worship with Bishop Morton and choir practice for church. (Wednesday) Bible Study with Emmanuel Baptist Church,( Thursday) Choir Practice and( Friday) A classic Message for a new Generation of Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall this is a class I teach each Friday here at the prison. After completion of the class they are issued a certificate from the Chaplin for attending 6 classes or more. I am on the Welcoming Committee introducing all the new women to ” Life at Atwood” I take them around and present the campus to them and how things work here.( Yesterday 6 new prisoners enter the camp) The class is about Waiting on God to send you Mr… Right. Have you been holding on tightly to your alabaster box of dreams,frantically searching for a man worthy of breaking your box? And I started Celebration of Life class program here where the prisoners have lost a family member and they are not allowed to go home for the service and they need closer so I work with the Chaplin to Celebration Of Life Ceremony, its done every 3 months at fmc lexington.