Journal Entry: Shane Andrew Smith-07/05/2024-Newsletter 15

Journal Entry

Today’s response:
Everything I do every day here in prison is designed to get me out as soon as possible so that those of us wanted to return to society, earn a living, and even earn passive income, as you say, can do it. It takes a long time to start earning the money you need to earn that will start compounding to the amount that you talk about where you are now. Aside from someone who inherits it, hid their ill-gotten gains that the government did not take, or win the lottery, those of us starting at ground zero need the time to start making that money again and generating income from different revenue streams. That means everyday we have to spend here in prison than what we really should be spending is a day we can NOT earn money are start compounding it and duplicating it. So I focus my energy on the programming and legal work that will get me out of here at the soonest possible date.