Journal Entry: Sergio Mike Petroni-12/14/2024

Journal Entry

Just For Today: Addiction is not a simple disease, but it has a simple solution. Today, I will live in that solution: the twelve steps of recovery.

The solution is simple, but applying that solution is the difficult part. Once I reached the dark depths of my disease, I finally had an existential moment of personal awakening. I made a clear and distinct decision that I was powerless over my addiction. After that admission of self-surrender I began the start of my journey in recovery. Now, I follow the strict principles of the program and work the steps with the guidance of my sponsor.

Preparing For Success After Prison Workbook
Lesson 24: Cultivating Empathy

Learning to show empathy toward others is a crucial tool to build effective communication skills. Listening attentively is a responsible way to deal with all kinds of situations that may arise in life. To develop the ability to see things from other peoples perspectives and respond with compassion. This skill will help generate solid relationships that can create better opportunities in the future. The more time I put into my personal growth, the better possibilities I will have at being successful once I’m released.


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