The Maxwell Daily Reader:
Have you taken the time to chart the course for the people you’re leading?
My actions are to develop new habits that will give me more opportunities to be successful after prison. I continuously focus on building a solid foundation of faith and recovery, so that I have the proper tools in order to fight off my disease of addiction, and pursue my goals. The steps that I take are a direct result from learning from leaders who have transformed their lives for the better. My hope is to one day become one of these leaders who successfully made it through adversity in a productive way. Giving justice-impacted people and recovering addicts the desire to follow similar footsteps and become a prospect of their own.
Daily Reflections:
We learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step of recovery. The delusion that we are like other people, or presently may be, has to be smashed.
One of my problems for the longest time was trying to convince myself I could handle my addiction. I found myself in a constant cycle of failures, which made my life filled with disappointments. After years of abuse, things only got worse. Finally, I hit a point where I had to take accountability for my actions. I had come to the hard conclusion that I could not do this recovery thing on my own. Finding the fellowship has been a gift come true. Each day I learn more and more knowledgeable information that will help me continue my path toward rehabilitation.
30 min stair run
500 push-ups
150 dips