The Maxwell Daily Readers:
Point out a great strength of someone in your life today.
I inspire myself to pay attention to the beneficial opportunities that people bring into my life on a daily basis. Fortunately, I’ve come across a gentlemen in prison that has experience in the 12 steps of recovery. Since I’m committed to my personal development, I have been blessed with the chance to work with this person. Through out this past week I’ve consistently taken time out of my days to put forth the effort that needs to be done to work intensively on my recovery. Today, I give a huge thanks to my sponsor “Popeye” for everything he’s done for me, even under the difficult circumstance of incarceration.
Daily Reflections:
The fact is that most alcoholics and addicts, for reasons yet obscure, have lost the power of choice in drink and drugs. Our so-called will power becomes practically nonexistent.
The hardest part of my recovery was when I had to accept my powerlessness over my addiction. For the longest time I tried to convince myself I could bounce back on my own. Over time, my life only got worse. Coming to prison was my rock bottom. It was a moment of clarity knowing that my “run” was officially over. My higher power came into my life and relieved me of the bondage of self. This existential moment was when I started to make incremental steps toward my personal transformation. Today, I give all the grace to God and pray for strength and discipline to continue my recovery one step at a time.
4 mile run
100 pull-ups
100 dips
The BOP offers a program called “The Life Connections”, and I find it to be exactly the opportunity that will guide me in a direction toward rehabilitation. This program is a monumental step in the right direction.
Still working on my introduction to philosophy course. Meanwhile, it is coming into the new semester, so I will be signing up for two more classes. I’m looking forward to beginning U.S History and Communication Arts 2. These classes are helping me develop more knowledge and confidence in all my skills.