Saturday, November 9
Game Day/typing till 7:30 am, then 90 minutes on track on a brisk, beautiful morning. Hooked up with a couple guys from another Unit I normally chat with while on the track. One from Idaho, 45′ ish and one from San Diego, 28′ ish. Due to last week’s crazy construction and related lockdowns schedule, hadn’t seen each other, so lots to catch up on- election, college football, NFL, and so forth. A third gent, about 73 years old, was missing as he recently had triple by pass surgery about 10 days ago. Apparently they brought him back from the hospital too early, as he was in the SHU recovering, and then an ambulance came to take him back. I feel terrible for him, he’s a really nice guy, harmless, his wife just died in August from dementia/Alzheimer’s. Talk about a hard run of things!
For our morning lockdown, read in my devotional a most encouraging verse “Rejoice and exalt in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering in tribulation; be constant in prayer”. Romans 12:12. Knowing the Bible reflects God’s will for our lives, I do exalt in hope that my appeal will result in an over turned conviction, and that’s been my prayer every day. I just hope God’s will is the same as my prayer! The verse goes on to say” Go boldly in the name of Jesus and get the help you need”. Boom!
Pretty much watched football, typed, had a few phone calls the rest of the day, not a bad Saturday!
Sunday, November 10
No library signups all week for some reason( they are called “outcount” so we can be out of our cell when they do the 9:30 -11 lockdown/count), so just stayed in he Unit and typed. Wanted to do an 8-9 workout but the 7 am move was delayed so much(7:40) that I missed that one and they never did another one till everyone came in at 9. So annoying… Oh well, got a lot done which felt good.
After lockdown/chow, a little NFL, went to church 12-2 and outside 2-3. Football/phone calls the rest of the day, not too shabby:)
Monday, November 11
Veterans Day today, so a good day to express our thanks/appreciation for those who have served and are serving!
Also means we are on Holiday/weekend schedule today so extra 9:30-11 am lockdown this morning. Pretty uneventful day, got a good 12:30-2 workout in plus a ton of typing. I’ll be able to post a journal, book report, and first part of my new Blog series, Facts of Life in the BOP. With the outcome of the election, my sense is it might be good timing for this series:)
I’m pretty frustrated on the legal mail front around here once again. My attorneys sent drafts of the appeal over a week ago and I still don’t have. Its so unfair how reckless the BOP can be on inmates legal rights, whether its mail or even legal phone calls. Schedule phone calls 2-3 weeks out “unless a court order”. In my case we file next week, but my counselor is on vacation so can’t have a call. I’ll likely have to do a public, recorded calls, and use up my minutes. If listening, I guess it gives the government a week head start on their response if they want:)
Week 2 of class to teach, but with Holiday and Education closed, guess we skip a week:) Being an inmate in a federal facility gives one a whole new appreciation for how many Holidays there are that federal employees get off. Combine them with a Friday and Tuesday vacation day, and you can get 8-10 five day weekends, like many here do. Not bad if you can get it!
Tuesday, November 12
Back to normal day schedule wise, other than Education/Library closed for “Administrative Day”, whatever that is. Heaven forbid they did it last Tuesday – Thursday when they were closed due to all the lockdowns from Hallway construction!
Productive 6-8 am typing, then 8-10 workout in the Yard on another beautiful morning. Amazing how yesterday afternoon clouded over and got cold and drizzly, and this morning its all gone. Hate to jinx anything, but sure has been nice not having fog for a longish spell!
After chow, 12-2 getting a haircut, pretty much a buzz cut. I told the guy the wrong setting for his shears,oops:) Have to admit, its kind of nice not to have to mess with it, now I remember why a lot of guys get one!
Afternoon lockdown 3:30-5, knowing we have a lousy dinner coming, we made rice bowl for dinner at 4. Rest of the evening was typing, reading, and a couple phone calls.
About 9 pm I went downstairs to see the callout list for tomorrow, and about passed out. After waiting 10 days for legal mail, next to my name was legal mail scheduled for delivery at noon tomorrow. That’s never happened to me or anyone else I know, sure hope that’s a “good thing”. I literally was about to ask attorneys for tracking info today to see where it night be. Maybe good fortune is coming my way!
Wednesday, November 13
Fairly productive morning, given we couldn’t go outside. Made some good progress on my blog. Finally got outside at 2-3 which was beautiful weather. Finished the evening in the library 6-7:30 and then reading.
FCI Lompoc II location just finished a new process to get legal mail per a posting on the bulleting board today. That’s why I was called out last evening. They used to bring it randomly 2x a week, now they have a new room for us to go to when called out. Good news is I got me new mail today, sent October 31 by the way. So 2 weeks to get to me. I’m worried about the next couple weeks before I file my appeal as I need to review drafts etc.
One of my co defendants, Rice, filed his appeal in July and today I got the governments response to that one as well. Two of his topics will be in my appeal, so spending time comparing the arguments and case law. Kind of interesting… No surprises as far as I can tell.
Thursday, November 14
All time record for commissary day! And only took 45 minutes to get full $180! This almost never happens:)
Rest of the morning writing analysis for my counsel. We have a mandatory meeting for inmates for something, but learned it was reschedule for tomorrow, Friday:)
Was hoping to get outside 12:30-3, but apparently something happened on the other end of the prison so we’re locked down in our Unit remainder of the day. Today that’s fine as I’m cranking on the legal analysis from Rice on the 2 areas which are the same as mine. Have to admit, I feel good about Rice’s arguments vs. the government’s reply, but it all cones down to the 3 judges anyways. I find it helpful to have had a 3-4 week break on this stuff, as it clears my head to focus again.
Friday, November 15
Went outside this morning 8-9, not expecting to get slammed by the weather, but wow! Temp was almost 50, but a 15-20 mph wind made it feel like 40, and of course I wasn’t dressed for that. When it rains it pours, sure enough it rained as well which only made it colder. Suffice it to say I stayed inside the rest of the day, even though the rain went away:)
Really productive time rest of the day typing, finalizing my notes for Rice’s appeal, and my blog release for Monday.
At lunch, my counselor saw me and told me to speak to another guard about something. Thinking I’m in trouble, I went up to him and he had a response to my BP-8 on the 10 vs. 15 day of FSA credits kicking in at month 7 vs. Month 13 issue. He had a report showing it was giving me 15 days at month 7, just as it should be so my BP 8 is resolved. Stupid me forgot to ask for a copy, ughh. Turns out my case manager and his boss don’t know the rules???
After lunch they had 400 of us in the movie theatre explaining they are doing a pre test for colon cancer and gave us a vial to get stool samples. I was impressed they were being proactive, indicating if needed, the follow-up would be a colonoscopy. I asked about flu shots, and they’re having us come in next week for them.
Tomorrow should be great as my girlfriend/partner will be coming with her sister for both Saturday and Sunday!
Praying for Freedom and Liberty and to see my Family and Friends soon!