Journal Entry: Robert Jesenik-11/08/2024-Journal #45

Journal Entry

Saturday, November 2,2024

Game day at 6 am and Oregon Ducks vs. Michigan later today, 12:30-3:30! Forget to mention yesterday was my sisters birthday, so Happy Birthday BJ!

Typing in-between the 15 minute “wait “periods all morning as was raining outside so stayed in. Beautiful weather after the rain so went out 11-12 before the game which was another W!! After afternoon lockdown, 2 great evening games, not complaining:)

Nothing out of the ordinary for a change, though our poor guard worked a double shift. 16 hours. So did the guard across the all. Brutal for those guys, but I’m sure the double time helps:)

Sunday, November 3,2024

Slept in till 7 today(now 6 am), thanks to daylight savings time picking up an hour! I know I haven’t slept past 6 am in 10 months, what a difference a little REM makes:)

Library at 8 am today, as I took a leisurely morning plus was able to get 3 cycles on the computer. Can’t type in the library(other than typewriters:)) and last couple days having been outside from construction, so typing is more the priority right now. Will continue after dinner during Sunday Night Football. Church 12-2, workout 2-3, and lockdown 3:30-5, so day will go by quickly.

Only 2 more days until the Election thankfully! Even if all that follows is lawsuits, at least it won’t be about another worthless poll! I’m feeling like it will be close in a lot of states, but will seem like a landslide when they mostly go Trump:) Yes I wrote this on November 3:)

Monday, November 4,2024

Our Unit went outside at 7:45 but I got a few typing cycles in first. Gorgeous morning, so just worked out 7:45-10. For some reason they brought out 6 of the 8 units to the Yard at 9 am, so 1300+ folks outside at once. We went first to chow at 10:45 and were then sent back to the Unit. I wonder if the workers even came today?

Library 12:30-2, then taught a class on Practical Money Matters, a personal financial planning class. Had about 15 of 25 inmates signed up to actually show up. Protocol requires a pretest Week 1, today, and final exam with same test at the end of the 10 weeks. Class is supposed to be 2-3 pm, but between the moves on both ends running late by 15 minutes, more like 25 minutes long. So with the pretest, not much teaching today!

After dinner went back to the library to pick up my commissary from a guy who had it this week. W were almost 4 weeks without one so running a little low. Always stressful bringing stuff back to the Unit and not getting caught by the metal detector:) Sure enough it did, my Coffee Mate had aluminum inside the top of the paper seal since it was unopened. Next time I’ll take it off first:) At least the guard was mellow though at first he was wondering what I was hiding….

Tuesday, November 5,2024

Finally election day! This being my first election in prison(and hopefully last:)), its a bigger deal than one would imagine. Starting last night they turned TV’s off at 10 pm, that’s a first for me. At 6 am, kept us in cells, opened only to go downstairs to get a cereal/milk and return to cell. Lots of rumor’s, from stuck in Unit all day, to guards get time off to go vote so no activities all day etc. To we’re back outside as construction workers in our Unit and the library is closed for 3 days for no movements. Heaven forbid they just tell us.

I’m going to have to write real time with all the lack of planning around here. So at 8:30 they brought us lunch and sent us to our cell for 10 minutes to eat it( I threw mine away). Then 8:45 outside, so packed up and went outside. Thankfully another beautiful day. Well, 10:15 they moved us to the movie theatre of course, thinking that will burn 2 hours. Nope! After waiting 45 minutes for the movie to start(Thankfully I had my Grisham book to read), back outside. At least we saw some workers in the hallway doing WIFI which was nice to see!

On the news this morning, Vandenberg Air Force Base announced they are test firing an ICBM today. Would be cool to be able to see it if we can! The rocket launches every other week or so are really cool to watch and feel the rumble thats for sure!

Stayed outside till 3. Rest of the day was watching the election results from 5 on!

Wednesday, November 6

Woke up at 6 am to the final election results. Wow! Strong morning for us:) The guard finally let us out of our cell at 6:15-7:45 and then back into it. At 8 opened the cell and we went down and grabbed 2 clamshells, one cereal for breakfast, the other spaghetti and stuff for lunch. Closed cell till 10 and then left us inside unit for rest of the day. Seems the construction is in the hallway so there cant be any moves is the issue.

I didn’t mind as it allowed me to type on/off all day. Of course interspersed with a lot of TV election coverage:) That was pretty much it till 8 when I switched to reading. Someone lent me Hillbilly Elegy, so I’m jumping into that one to see what’s so special about it!

Thursday, November 7

Same rig -a ma-roll from 6-8 this morning. At least we got out of our cell at 8, but still destined to stay inside our Unit all day. Had a legal call 9-10, getting very close on my appeal. Should file in 2 weeks. Oral arguments with the 9th Circuit/ three judges already scheduled for the week of March 31, 2025 which is encouraging. I should be getting portions every other day now and a complete draft mid next week.

Otherwise will be in a good spot typing wise and hopefully outside as normal schedule tomorrow!

Not so fast as they say! At noon, they put us in our cells for some reason, so no typing! Didn’t let us out till 5 for chow. Little long for me:) I skipped dinner and went outside at 5. Bit cool but clear and no wind which was nice. But since its dark so early now, its weight section only, no track. I can still walk around a fairly large area, but its not the same as the track. 6:30 came back in and watched NFL and read.

Friday, November 8

Woke up to a beautiful sunrise and normal schedule, at least till 7:30am:) Just kidding, all trains actually ran on schedule today for once!

Typed will 9, then to library to swap out books to read, print everything I needed that had built up past few days. After chow, typed targeting a 2-3 workout. But somehow I fell asleep and had a nice little nap:) So skipped dinner at 5 and went outside to workout on another beautiful evening till 6:30. College football and reading to end what’s been a wild and weird week all the way around!

As I typed this weeks journal 30 days later, its interesting how much shorter and less insightful this journal is compared to normal activity weeks.Whats that tell you?

Praying for Freedom and Liberty and to see my Family and Friends soon!BJ