It’s been quite a busy few weeks at my job hauling materials for UNICOR. I take my job seriously. Everything I do as part of my daily responsibilities contributes to my career on the outside. My goal to start my own trucking company especially. I haul on flatbeds and dry vans depending out what materials I’m hauling. I have to load the trailers with a fork lift. If I load the flatbed then I have to strap the freight down. I handle the paper work and the personal i work with. We also have truckers bringing in the stuff that we have to store at the warehouse. So as you see I work the whole shipping and receiving department. Everything is going so well. I’m gaining new skills to that will be influential to my career on the outside. These new skills have do with working with other people so I understand how to treat future shippers I will haul for. The shippers are the most important part of owning a trucking company because of course they will be the one who will pay the company for the services provided. There will be several more journal entries on this topic trucking for success where I will break down the entire layout of what I do and how it will contribute to the finacial success for the trucking company.