People in my support network don’t just want to hear about how I’m going to educate myself or the ways I’m going to invest in myself. They want tangible proof of how I am doing it. While reading Santos’s book “Earning Freedom” I can see exactly what this means. His book is such a motivating masterpiece for a prisoner who tries to better himself but has a hard time due to all the roadblocks we come across. The thing that influences me the most is the fact that he never quits. He makes no excuses. He adjusts to each situation. And man 26 years is a lot of situations. And he does it with people in his support system. His mentors. I’m deaf. I run into a lot of roadblocks. But I overcome them. I hurdle them. And I do it with my support network. My support system. The main thing that my support system does for me is bring me more people into my support system. They reach out to others that they believe will bring more ideas or tools to help me accomplish my goals. As soon as I finish reading Earning Freedom, I’m going to seek out them opportunities and capitalize on them. It is hard from a Federal Prison Camp because of the lack of classes and lack of resources, but that is no excuse. I want to live a life of meaning, I want to live a life of relevance, and I want to live a life of contribution. And in order to do that I need to work with my support system. I do not know a single successful person out there that does not have a support system. I need to figure out what my support system expects of me so I can meet their expectations.