Journal Entry: Peter J Haslinger-07/02/2024-Egonomics

Journal Entry

Well I would like to think that I came up with a new word today. Egonomics. I would define this word as ” the value that others place on themselves who talk about doing all this stuff on the outside but do nothing on the inside to prepare for it. The reason I came up with this word was basically because when others see me doing something positive instead of having a positive remark about it they say nothing but negative things. They say things like I’m wasting my time, that I’m a prisoner with a felony on my record, or even things like paying attention to the outside world is going to make my time harder to do. Well, I say if that’s the value you place on yourself then that’s all you will live up to. Those are not my values. I will not let the fact that I am a deaf individual with a criminal record stop me from achieving my goals. If paying attention to things that are going happening on the outside going to make my time harder. Then I welcome the challenge. Another part of my journey to adjust to. If whatever imp paying attention to on the outside has to do with bettering myself or investing in myself then I need to do what any CEO would do and that is take a calculated risk that will pay off because it helps me someway somehow. And I don’t mean a risk as something that would bring me a disciplinary violation. I mean a risk as for causing my time to be harder to do. But I do not see that happening. I see the crowd walk one way in here. I walk the opposite direction. I get up go do my job at Unicor. When I come back I’m reading a book. Studying the Bible. Attending Bible study. Writing in my journal. I’m doing something that has to do with making progress towards the person I want to be when I get out. I have plans I have goals I have a company to start I have a testimony to share I have people to reach out to I would also like to be part of the movement that Mr. Santos has started about prison reform. I already know there is other like me who have to hear other inmates try and say we wasting our time. Or that we will never be anything more than what we are. That is only true if you let it be true. Sit around and do nothing and talk “Egonomics”, or get involved. Roll your sleeves up grab a pen and pad and write your plan out. Write your goals out. Invest in yourself and become the CEO of your life and just keep on trucking.