Journal Entry: Peter J Haslinger-06/18/2024-Newsletter 7

Journal Entry

Daily Question

What changes in America’s prison system would you like to implement?

There are several things I would consider. One of the most important ones is relief from prison sentences if an inmate can show positive conduct. If an inmate is going above and beyond what is required of him or her to better themselves, having some kind of way to help them launch from prison sooner and more prepared helps in so many ways. It’s less hassle for family at home. The kids don’t suffer. These are a few of the ways. The bottom line is that we want people to go home to stay home. Right now there are many disqualifying factors that keep you from getting first step credits. I am one of them with a 924c. It makes no sense that certain crimes can get it and certain can’t. We want people to learn how to be a model citizen. So we should be wanting everybody to be taking classes that would help them become law abiding citizens. Another thing is the availability of classes especially at the camps. There is no AA or NA meetings there is hardly any drug classes. There is so many drugs available in here and to live a sober life means to live a sober lifestyle. That can be hard here. Helping people defeat their drug addiction should be a main priority before they get sentenced. Many don’t have that chance. We need to realize that we have outpatient rehab for a reason there needs to be a way to have people do time in in lieu of a conviction in a drug rehab. I honestly don’t think that RDAP is a very good example of rehab. I’m just saying that from what I have witnessed from others in the program. The drug counselors that they have in the program don’t seem as effective as the ones I came across at the ZEPF center in Toledo Ohio. The whole center is circled around addictions of all kinds. The programs they have zero in on core issues more then what I have seen the prison programs do. Maybe i should just say that the level of professionalism in a rehab setting to an RDAP setting is miles apart. And once you are done with the program you have to move out of the dorm back into general population. Back out where drugs are more readily available I spent almost a year and a half in rehab and sober living home and it was still hard to fight the drug problem. But I was out in society where I could call my counselor for help who would be ready to let me come into his office any time. OR go to AA/NA meetings to air out frustrations. It’s just different. Sobriety is a lifestyle. It’s not just something you achieve for a brief moment you learn to keep pushing forward you learn tools and thinking patterns on ways to keep yourself from ever going back to being the man you fought so hard to change from.