Daily Question
What makes you an outstanding candidate for a job, a partnership, a loan, or venture capital to start a business?
Everything I have done since I was first arrested by the Government for my case has been about investing in myself to become the best I can possibly be. This started with me realizing that the way I was living was not the way to be. I had to change everything about the way I thought. I had to change my morals. I had to change my values. And most of all I had to change my outlook on life. First thing I had to do was value who I was. I needed to elevate my self worth. I had to show myself that “I AM WORTH IT.” Having to live a life as a man with a disability as being a deaf person I always put myself at the bottom. Always had to work harder for what I wanted. Had to work harder to get other people’s attention. But the problem was I was seeking attention in all the wrong places. Which led me to a very severe drug problem that controlled me since I started using when I was 11 years old. So I knew first thing I needed to do was deal with my drug problem. I got the government to let me be released on bond so I could go to the ZEPF Center in Toledo Ohio for rehab. As soon as I got there I was doing nothing but working hard on how to deal with this problem. And immediately I realized how much my drug problem was keeping me from being successful in life. You may be wondering why I would put this down as part of my answer to what makes me and outstanding candidate. But this is only part of my answer. As soon as I had the drug problem under control I realized I had the ability to set goals and accomplish them. Drug problem defeated goal number one accomplished. Now that I had a clean and clear mind on my shoulders I wondered what to do next. After almost a whole year in rehab and residing at a sober living home I knew I was ready to do something for my future. I went to Owens Community College and completed the CDL program there and obtained my Class A CDL Driving License. Started working right after I got done with classes for Casey’s Transportation and find out I was really good at this truck driving and that it was a passion of mine. That’s when I said I need to start my own Trucking Company. But one thing was in my way. I still had to answer to the federal government for my crimes. Now 3 years later being an inmate at the Ashland FPC in Kentucky I have being nothing but working toward this goal. Still sober and still trucking. I work and operate the shipping department at Unicor here and am able to keep my experience up to par driving trucks from one warehouse to another. This is an answer to a question that will need to be updated again in the near future because I am always doing something invest in myself towards this goal. I’m working as hard as I can and wake up everyday trying to find ways to work harder. I’m a go-getter, a goal accomplisher that’s the main reason that would make me a good candidate.
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