I think the best way is to bring about total awareness of the way the justice system handles their affairs ,The system is not Just,but it would have to be explained in a way that people can understand it ,The general concensus is that if you got indicted then you are guilty,You hear everyday of people getting arrested for ghost dope or anything that they never had on them,Thats because the conspiracy law is made to bring everyone down that has anything to do with that case even if they dont get caught with anything.I was told that this law was made back in the day so that the feds could bring down the mob because they couldnt ever get them,Well it seems that it worked so good that the feds just left the law unchanged and use it to bring people down with only a witness,Any person that gets their securty threatened or their freedom most will do whatever it takes to get a lighter sentence and to protect themselves they will throw any one and everyone under the bus their needs to be accountabilty when it comes to putting people in prison when they have nothing but a witness how come come the feds can use a lie detector test to convict you but we cant use it to hhelp our freedom ,I believe the technology is out their to do the perfect lie detector test that can prove without a doubt if your are lying or not.That would be the greatest invention if it could be possible and would benefit people like me who believe it could set them free .if that was created it would change the game ,but would the powers that be allow it? ithats the real question they have such a chokehold on this system that change is damn near impossible?I wonder why in canada they dont have a conspiracy law ?I would like to know because do they see it as unjust or they just do ?So i believe the whole of the sytem would have to be exposed to make any change because like you said and we both know that it is its own economy and it life flow is the prisoners that it can keep because even we take alot of money to keep us going in here?Thats crazy that they want a wall built to keep the mexicans from mexico out of our country but they are the biggest race in every prison taking up the most funds to house and feed then anybody actually from here.They are a big part of thhe reason this system runs the way it is because they are the biggest slice in the pie .If they all got sent out i wonder how big of an impact it would be on this economy .I believe it would have to increase the amount of incoming here from the states and would make sentence longer and people would be getting put in prison at a higher rate.This is the stuff that people dont know and should have the right to know .
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