I think it would be important for people tolearn abouit crypto in prison beacause the advantages are really up to how fare you are willing to learn and take the oppurtunities that it has to offer since it is realtivley new their are proably good jobs out their for anyone that has a good undestanding about it for one.
i think the new technologies are going to influence my life in ways that are yet to happen beacause it is new and we dont know what direction it is gonna go ini but if we could figure out what direction it is going to take we could possibly be the first to do it and capatilize on it.
The ways an understanding could influence my prospects fo earning are i coculd learn how to create it and try to mine it possibly or maybe learn how to trade in it possibly Or i could invest in it and make the right investments and take it to the next level
READ NEWSLETTER ARTICLE HERE: https://prisonprofessorstalent.com/journal-entries/march-3-2024-lesson-3-digital-economy-satoshi-nakamoto/