Journal Entry: Nicole Marie Schwalbach-10/24/2024

Journal Entry

Sorry, it’s been a while since I wrote. I am almost done with my non-residential drug abuse program. I completed Serve Safe and passed with a 96%! I also finished Self-Esteem for adults and have of course continued working every day at the UNICOR factory here in Aliceville. Tonight I start an ACE class in education although I am not positive which one it is because I sign up for almost all the ones that are offered. Today I meet with my unit manager to see where in the process my paperwork for FIT is and to get papers needed for child support as well as try to figure out what is going on with my base custody score. I researched the colleges and got the contact information and added the emails to my corlinks but unfortunately, they have not accepted the request so now I need to figure out another way to get in touch. Well, they just called UNICOR work call. I plan on making more of an effort with the daily journaling.