MON – Went to Life Skills class and went to my facilitator group. I went to Church. Met with the Chaplain. Went to Art History. My philosophy class is now on the lap tops because my teacher had surgery.
TUE – I met with the Counselor. They had to lower my points early because I’ve been programming. I’m trying to get to E yard so I can do the bachelor program. I went to oral communications class followed by statistics. My professor said I have one of the sharpest mathematical minds he’s ever seen.
WED – I went to life skills then worked out. I went to Art History. I worked on prep courses for denial management.
THU – I Worked out. I talked to Arimo the proctor to send the Captain a letter recommending me for The bachelor program. I went to oral communications then I went to statistics class. My professor gave me a letter for parole board.
FRI – I went to life skills. I worked out. I did my statistics quiz. I facilitated PEP and LWOP groups.
SAT – I went to my band group. I ran laps. I studied for my art history final. I wrote out a study guide for psych 101 next semester. I started my statistics discussion.
SUN – I ran laps. I read the Bible. I watched a sermon. I worked on my philosophy homework. I created a plan to teach about love languages next Friday.
Character Defects: pessimistic, control, frustration
Spiritual Principles: optimistic/right view, 3-surrender, empathy/8-love
Grateful: family, education, guitar