MON – I worked out and went to my facilitator meeting. I worked on statistics independent samples. I practiced guitar with Jacob.
TUE – I worked out, practiced my speech all day. I went to communications and went to statistics classes. Got an A on my quiz.
WED – Went to Life Skills, learned about parenting styles. I had college off so studied for my finals. I worked on homework.
THU – Worked out and gave my final speech in communications. I got an A on my final. I taught a portion of the class in statistics and tutored a few of my peers in statistics chapter ten.
FRI – I went to Life Skills and talked about transference. I practiced guitar. I facilitated group on Acceptance – of the five A’s curriculum. We put on a skit for the icebreaker. It went really well.
SAT – I went to my band group. Sang two songs then ran for an hour. Worked on a Christian program on Edovo. I helped a peer with statistics homework. I went to yard and had a Board prep group to help a peer going to Board.
Character Defects: pessimistic, fear, stubborn
Spiritual Principles: Optimism/Right View, courage-4, open-minded
Grateful: family, music, education