11 / 7-10 / 2024
THUR – I had my psych eval. It threw me off because I didn’t know what it was until it was already happening. Luckily I had brought my binder with all my stuff just in case. I don’t think I did well. By the time I got back I went straight to college for four hours. Communications, I gave my group speech which I was the leader for. My nerves were still up but I was able to compose myself and we got an A on our presentation about Southwestern College and how pursuing a college degree decreases recidivism by 27.7%. I then went to Statistics. I got a 25 out of 26 on my quiz.
FRI – I had Life Skills. I worked on homework. I played guitar to calm my nerves a technique I learned from my professor. I then went to PEP and LWOP. I facilitated group on the first of the five A’s. Attention. Connected the lack of attention we received in our childhood and the negative behavior that stemmed from it like low self esteem, antisocial peer groups, some people become a class clown. I did the opposite, I became quiet and reserved. We went over how we find attention today. I find it in groups with my sober like minded peers. And in college from my peers and professors.
Character Defects: pessimism, self-critical, anxiety
Spiritual Principles: optimism/Right View, 8-love/acceptance, 4-courage/Right Mindfulness
Grateful: College education, sobriety, support network
SAT: I went to my music group. I worked out. I did my statistics quiz. I did 6 art history quizzes 2 assignments. Another final art history test. A discussion board. It took me six hours all together.
SUN: I worked out for two hours. Meditated. Watched two Sermons on TV. Played guitar. Read the Bible. Worked on Edovo. Went to seeking recovery. I’m excited there’s a flyer on the wall for new Qigong meditation class in the Chapel.
Character Defects: pessimism, lethargic, fear
Spiritual Principles: optimism/Right View, 6-willingness/Right Effort, 4-courage
Grateful: brothers in recovery, music, sobriety