11 / 1-3 / 2024
FRI – I went to Life Skills. Worked out. Meditated and prayed. I went to Life Support Alliance workshop. Vanessa is looking into the false positives on the yard. I always get a lot from them. Then I facilitated my two groups at night. We finished our circumventing restitution curriculum that we created to help people understand why it’s wrong.
SAT – I ran laps. Played in the band group. I spent two hours doing a statistics quiz online then I went to a Bible Study at night yard.
SUN- I worked out, prayed and meditated. Worked on Art History homework and Philosophy homework then I went to seeking recovery group at night.
Character Defects: pessimistic, self centered, pride
Spiritual Principles: optimistic bright View, 12-service, 7-humility
Grateful: Education, self-help, music