Journal Entry: Neil Stephany-10/09/2024

Journal Entry

10/ 8-9 / 2024

Tuesday I talked to my college counselor. I have one more class to get my AA because this college doesn’t count my algebra class as being high enough which takes my statistics away from Sociology because I have to use it as a math. And I need two more courses after that for my Communications degree. But I’ll be level two in January so I’m probably going to transfer soon – Again. Then I ran laps. I went to Communications and gave my second speech. Then I had my midterm for statistics. I think I did good.

Wednesday I went to life skills. I met with my clinician. I FaceTimed with Kim while she hid in a closet from the hurricane. Studied and went to Art History for the midterm. I went to philosophy class. Character Defects: assuming, fear, insecurity ; Spiritual Principles: 3 agreement Don’t assume anything, 4-courage, confidence ; Grateful: we got avocados with breakfast, they fixed the hot water, I almost have my Degree