I went to my life skills group. We talked about codependency and how to ask questions and give feedback. I did my prayer and meditation. I ran laps and went to college. It’s not stop frustration in here. The better you do the more they try to find things to mess with your program. The CDIII told us life skills is a work assignment we should be able to shower. Especially because I’m in college full time and do groups so all my nights are full. I miss most of the day rooms. But because I’m an inmate the c.o.’s always accuse my of lying. Now I have to get the CCIII to email them when it should be their job to call or know what groups are here.
CD: frustration, impatience, fairness
AntiCD: Right Mindfulness, acceptance/surrender-3/ fair fallacy/ Don’t Take Anything Personal
Grateful: health, education, growth