I’ve been reading 36 strategies for suitability. I was just looking for information but its actually one of the best self-help books I’ve ever read. I started self-help to try to get out of prison but it is actually a look at every difficult part of life. And the only way to know the information is to practice it. And when I practice it actually works. I’ve grown a lot doing different programs and applying techniques to my life. I went to rehabs before but the difference is I only focused on one aspect of sobriety. Not using and working on my physical health. I never did an in depth 12 step program. I never looked at the why I felt like I needed to use and addressed it. It is a big difference knowing my character defects and practicing alternatives to them versus just acting on my emotions. It took me a long time to understand myself. But it has taught me a lot.
Character defects: resentment, impatience, social skills.
Grateful: tough learning experiences, God’s will, sobriety.