Grace is everything. But what is it when you feel as though you do not have it? A wonderful minister, Steve, from Word of Faith Church located in Detroit stated that grace is always available. Tapping into divine grace helps everyone to achieve the ultimate success. When things do not go as planned, grace is what says “Hey, everything is going to be alright…I am here.” When you or I let ourselves down, regardless of how minor or major the setback is, grace is always present saying ” Get back up and try again, it’s not over yet!” Grace is accessible due to our willingness to say no to things that will not enhance us to our achievement of success. Today is a good, nay, a BLESSED day. Like the late apostle Paul stated in the Bible, “Your grace is sufficient for thee and your strength is made perfect in my weakness.” Who is Paul referring to? God. I am totally persuaded that by my obedience and willingness to say no to the things that will not get me to the next level, that exceedingly, abundantly above all I have ever asked or thought for is waiting on me at the end of the tunnel.